php - Angular : How to merge two or more scope into single scope

标签 php angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-repeat


每个作用域对象都有如下数据 veh_register :{ "vin": vin89, "vplnum":AR 890S, "uni":proxu} noofpass:{noofpass:900} 可用数据:{“类”:9009,“名称”:manish} 等等……那样

然后如何将它们合并为单个作用域对象以通过 $http.Post 发送


AngularJs 中的 Controller 方法

$scope.vechicle_Register=function(veh_register,noofpass,avilableData, foundedClass,selectedOption1,selectedOption2){

  **How to merge these veh_register+noofpass+avilableData+...........**
     Into single Scope that send it from here to Target .........

   $"interface.php?action=sendVehRegDetails").then(function(result) {                 


你可以在 Angular 中使用 extend 函数:

Extends the destination object dst by copying all of the properties from the src object(s) to dst. You can specify multiple src objects.

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