php - Stripe webhook 测试模式响应 "none"

标签 php stripe-payments webhooks


我已经在测试模式下设置了 stripe 的 webhook 并将“invoice.payment_succeeded”测试 webhook 发送到文件。但它在 stripe 输出中显示响应“none”。

我做错了什么,这是 webhook 文件,请有人帮助我,我对此非常困惑。任何帮助将不胜感激...


include '../admin/include/functions.php';

require_once 'stripe_secret.php';

// Retrieve the request's body and parse it as JSON
$input = @file_get_contents("php://input");
$event_json = json_decode($input);

$event_id = $event_json->id;

    if(isset($event_json->id)) {

        try {

                $event = Stripe_Event::retrieve($event_id);


                $invoice = $event->data->object;

                if($event->type == 'invoice.payment_succeeded') {

                    $customer = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($invoice->customer);

                    $email  = $customer->email;

                    $customerid = $customer->id;

                    /*$amount = $invoice->amount / 100;*/

                    $expiry = $invoice->period->end;
                    $expiredate = date('Y-d-m', $expiry);

                    $userup = $obj->run_query("UPDATE users SET Expiry_Date = '$expiredate' WHERE user_stripe_id = '$customerid' ");

                    if ($userup) {
                        echo "User Date extended";
                    // send a invoice notice email here
                if($event->type == 'invoice.payment_failed') {

                    $obj->run_query("UPDATE users SET Status = '0' WHERE user_stripe_id = '$customerid' ");

                    echo "User membership expired";


        catch(Stripe_CardError $e) {

        catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) {
        // Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API

        } catch (Stripe_AuthenticationError $e) {
        // Authentication with Stripe's API failed
        // (maybe you changed API keys recently)

        } catch (Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e) {
        // Network communication with Stripe failed
        } catch (Stripe_Error $e) {

        // Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send
        // yourself an email
        } catch (Exception $e) {

        // Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe





来自测试 webhook 按钮的测试 webhooks 发送一个具有正确格式的 webhook,但所有值都是 null/零/等等。因此你的行 $obj->run_query("UPDATE users SET Expiry_Date = ' $expiredate' WHERE user_stripe_id = '$customerid' "); 将返回错误结果。这意味着您不会回显任何内容,只会发回一个空的 200 响应。

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