php - 存储注册状态不正常(始终存储值 "C",但如果注册已支付,则应存储 "I")

标签 php laravel

我在 session 注册页面中有一个表格,供用户在 session 中注册该表格具有以下操作:

<form method="post" action="{{route('conferences.storeRegistration', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug])}}">

一个 session 可以有一种或多种注册类型,注册类型可以是免费的也可以是付费的。根据用户选择的注册类型,提交表单时,在此 storeRegistration() 中,我想在注册表的状态列中存储值“C”(完整) 如果所选注册类型的总价为“0”,但如果为“>0”,我想存储为“I”(不完整)。

对于 storeRegistrationInfo() 中的那个,我试图在 session “总计”中获取值,然后使用三元“状态”=> ($total > 0)? 'I' : 'C',' 如下所示:

 public function storeRegistration(Request $request, $id, $slug = null, Validator $validator)
    $total = Session::get('total');

    if ($validator->passes()) {
        $registration = Registration::create([
            'conference_id' => $id,
            'main_participant_id' => $user->id,
             'status' => ($total > 0) ? 'I' : 'C',


但它不起作用,总是存储在“状态”列中的值 C',独立于注册是否已支付门票或所有门票都是免费的。问题应该是因为 dd($total) 显示“null”。



我有一个 session 详细信息页面,用户可以在其中以表格形式选择他想要的 session 门票数量。一场 session 可以关联一张或多张票,有些票可以免费,也可以付费。所以在这个表单中,用户可以选择他想要的票,然后单击“下一步”。表单具有此操作:

<form method="post" action="{{route('conferences.storeQuantities', ['id' => $conference->id, 'slug' => $conference->slug])}}">

因此,当用户单击“下一步”时,代码转到 RegistrationController storeQuantities() 此方法存储所选票证(每张票的数量、总数等)和 session 中的一些其他信息,并将用户返回到'conferences.registration' 路线:

public function storeQuantities(Request $request, $id, $slug = null)

            'rtypes' => ['required', 'array', new RegistrationTypeQuantity],

        $rtypeQuantities = $request->get('rtypes');

        $allParticipants = Conference::where('id', $id)->first()->all_participants;

        $total = 0;
        foreach ($rtypeQuantities as $rtypeName => $quantity) {

            if ($quantity) {

                $rtype = RegistrationType::where('name', $rtypeName)->firstOrFail();
                $price = $rtype->price;

                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['quantity'] = $quantity;
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['price'] = $price;
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['subtotal'] = $price * $quantity;
                $total += $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['subtotal'];
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['total'] = $total;

                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['questions'] = $rtype->questions;
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['id'] = $rtype->id;
        Session::put('selectedRtypes', $selectedRtypes);
        Session::put('allParticipants', $allParticipants);
        Session::put('customQuestions', $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['questions']);
        Session::put('total', $total);

        return redirect(route('conferences.registration', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]))->with('total', $total);


Route::get('/conference/{id}/{slug?}/registration', [
    'uses' => 'RegistrationController@displayRegistrationPage',
    'as'   =>'conferences.registration'

然后函数 displayRegistrationPage 被调用,它获取 session 中的值并将用户重定向到注册页面:

  public function displayRegistrationPage(Request $request, $id, $slug = null)

        $selectedRtypes = Session::get('selectedRtypes');
        $allParticipants = Session::get('allParticipants');
        $customQuestions = Session::get('customQuestions');

        if (isset($selectedRtypes)) {
            return view('conferences.registration',
                ['selectedRtypes' => $selectedRtypes, 'allParticipants' => $allParticipants, 'customQuestions' => $customQuestions, 'id' => $id,
                    'slug' => $slug]);
        } else {
            return redirect(route('', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]));

现在注册页面呈现给用户。这里有一个用户注册表格,介绍一些数据以在 session 中注册。表单具有此操作:

<form method="post" action="{{route('conferences.storeRegistration', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug])}}">

因此,当提交表单时,如果用户正在进行的注册只有免费注册类型,那么在这个 storeRegistration() 中,我想在注册表的状态列中存储值“C”(完成)。但我想存储值“I”(不完整),如果有 1 种或多种注册类型,则价格 > 0。因为用户随后需要付款,所以注册在他付款之前保持不完整。

 public function storeRegistration(Request $request, $id, $slug = null, Validator $validator)
    $total = Session::get('total');

    if ($validator->passes()) {
        $registration = Registration::create([
            'conference_id' => $id,
            'main_participant_id' => $user->id,
                'status' => ($total > 0) ? 'I' : 'C',

完整注册 Controller :

class RegistrationController extends Controller

    // handles the form of the conference details page where the user select the tickets
    public function storeQuantities(Request $request, $id, $slug = null)

            'rtypes' => ['required', 'array', new RegistrationTypeQuantity],

        $rtypeQuantities = $request->get('rtypes');

        $allParticipants = Conference::where('id', $id)->first()->all_participants;

        $total = 0;
        foreach ($rtypeQuantities as $rtypeName => $quantity) {

            if ($quantity) {

                $rtype = RegistrationType::where('name', $rtypeName)->firstOrFail();

                $price = $rtype->price;

                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['quantity'] = $quantity;
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['price'] = $price;
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['subtotal'] = $price * $quantity;
                $total += $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['subtotal'];
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['total'] = $total;

                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['questions'] = $rtype->questions;
                $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['id'] = $rtype->id;

        Session::put('selectedRtypes', $selectedRtypes);
        Session::put('allParticipants', $allParticipants);
        Session::put('customQuestions', $selectedRtypes[$rtype->name]['questions']);
        Session::put('total', $total);

        return redirect(route('conferences.registration', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]))->with('total', $total);

    // redirects the user to the registration page
    public function displayRegistrationPage(Request $request, $id, $slug = null)

        $selectedRtypes = Session::get('selectedRtypes');
        $allParticipants = Session::get('allParticipants');
        $customQuestions = Session::get('customQuestions');

        if (isset($selectedRtypes)) {
            return view('conferences.registration',
                ['selectedRtypes' => $selectedRtypes, 'allParticipants' => $allParticipants, 'customQuestions' => $customQuestions, 'id' => $id,
                    'slug' => $slug]);
        } else {
            return redirect(route('', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]));

    // handles the registration form of the registration page
    public function storeRegistration(Request $request, $id, $slug = null, Validator $validator)

        $allParticipants = Conference::where('id', $id)->first()->all_participants;
        $user = Auth::user();

        $total = Session::get('total');

        $rules = [];
        $messages = [];

        if (isset($request->participant_question_required)) {
            $messages = [
                'participant_question.*.required' => 'Fill all mandatory fields.',

            foreach ($request->participant_question_required as $key => $value) {
                $rule = 'string|max:255'; 

                // if this was required, ie 1, prepend "required|" to the rule
                if ($value) {
                    $rule = 'required|' . $rule;

                // add the individual rule for this array key to the $rules array
                $rules["participant_question.{$key}"] = $rule;

        if ($allParticipants == 1) {

            $rules["participant_name.*"] = 'required|max:255|string';
            $rules["participant_surname.*"] = 'required|max:255|string';


        $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules, $messages);

        if ($validator->passes()) {
            $registration = Registration::create([
                'conference_id' => $id,
                'main_participant_id' => $user->id,
                'status' => ($total > 0) ? 'I' : 'C',

            $participants = [];
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($request->participant_name); $i++) {
                $name = ($allParticipants) ? $request->participant_name[$i] : '';
                $surname = ($allParticipants) ? $request->participant_surname[$i] : '';
                $participants[] = Participant::create([
                    'name' => $name,
                    'surname' => $surname,
                    'registration_id' => $registration->id,
                    'registration_type_id' => $request->rtypes[$i]


            if (isset($request->participant_question)) {
                foreach( $request->participant_question as $key => $question ) {
                    $answer = Answer::create([
                        'question_id' => $request->participant_question_id[$key],
                        'participant_id' => $participants[$key]->id,
                        'answer' => $request->participant_question[$key],

            return redirect(route('user.index', ['user' => Auth::id()]).'#myTickets');





return redirect(route('conferences.registration', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]))->with('total', $total);

您已经以永久方式将数据存储到 session 中,但就在您想要重定向时,您删除了第一个存储的数据:

Session::put('total', $total);


...->with('total', $total);

最后一个,仅将数据闪入您的 session 以供下一个请求(当您显示注册表时),因此当您发送注册表以供提交时,“总计”数据已经从 session 中消失。


...->with('total', $total);


关于php - 存储注册状态不正常(始终存储值 "C",但如果注册已支付,则应存储 "I"),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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