android - 从 Activity 启动服务

标签 android android-activity android-service

在我的应用中,我有一个 Activity,我想从中启动一个服务。有人可以帮帮我吗?



Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(this, ServiceName.class);

别忘了在 AndroidManifest.xml 文件中添加服务标签

<service android:name="com.example.ServiceName"></service>

来自 Android official documentation :

Caution: A service runs in the same process as the application in which it is declared and in the main thread of that application, by default. So, if your service performs intensive or blocking operations while the user interacts with an activity from the same application, the service will slow down activity performance. To avoid impacting application performance, you should start a new thread inside the service.

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