android - geocoder.getFromLocation();等待服务器响应超时

标签 android google-maps google-geocoder

我有一个推出市场超过 6 个月的 Android 应用程序,它使用 geocoder.getFromLocation()"translate" latitude经度到人类可读的地址:

Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(latitude, longitude, 1);

一切正常直到 7 小时前(2016-01-15 04:00 UTC)。与 Google 支持部门合作,根据他们的建议,在此处发布问题,看看是否有人有解决此问题的想法。

I've talked with the Maps API's Engineering Team, and it seems that the Android Geocoder uses a different backend than the Geocoding API, which we support, so there is not much we can do from our side right now.



抱歉,这里更新晚了。来自 Google 于太平洋标准时间 2016 年 1 月 15 日 09:41 的回复...


After reviewing the information you provided, we believe that you may be affected by a known issue. Here are some details about the issue:

Description: At approximately 11PM PST on 2016-01-14, we began receiving reports that requests made via Android SDK's geocoder are timing. We have identified an outage in our backends which is responsible for the observed errors. Our Eng team is working to address the backend failures.

How to diagnose: Geocode requests using Android's getFromLocation() geocoder method ( may return a timeout exception.

Workaround: There's no workaround available at this time, but we'll let you know if we learn of one. ...

根据我的记录,该服务已在 2016 年 1 月 15 日 12:00 到 18:00 PST 之间得到支持。

并且,感谢 Google 支持,在此正式回复之前让我更新。

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