java - Twitter应用程序使用哪个框架

标签 java php javascript frameworks


twitter 在应用开发过程中使用了哪个框架? 还是没有任何框架构建?



Last week, [as of April 6, 2011] we launched a replacement for our Ruby-on-Rails front-end: a Java server we call Blender.

Twitter 曾经使用 Ruby On Rails。这种环境有利于快速开发新站点。 Java 往往更适合更成熟的应用程序。

来自使用 Google 找到 ;)

Rails running on Matz's Ruby Interpreter (the de facto reference interpreter for Ruby) had been criticized for issues with scalability.[25] These critics often mentioned various Twitter outages in 2007 and 2008, which spurred Twitter's partial transition to Scala (which runs on the Java Virtual Machine) for their queuing system and other middleware.[26][27] The user interface aspects of the site continue to run Ruby on Rails.[28]


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