php - 如何在 Prestashop 中显示产品数量

标签 php prestashop prestashop-1.6

我正在使用 中包含的默认主题之一.是否可以在首页的产品框中根据尺寸和颜色显示产品的产品数量值?


参见 this thread on forum .看起来像其他人问了一个类似的问题,并且能够使用这段代码让它工作:

{*Added quantity in stock*}
<!-- availability -->
<p id="availability_statut"{if ($product.quantity <= 0 && !$product.available_later && $allow_oosp) OR ($product.quantity > 0 && !$product.available_now) OR !$product.available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}>
    <span id="availability_label">{l s='Availability:'}</span>
    <span id="availability_value"{if $product.quantity <= 0} class="warning_inline"{/if}>
        {if $product.quantity <= 0}{if $allow_oosp}{$product.available_later}{else}{l s='This product is no longer in stock'}{/if}{else}{$product.available_now}{/if}

<!-- number of item in stock -->
{*if ($display_qties == 1 && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE && $product.available_for_order) *}
<p id="pQuantityAvailable"{if $product.quantity <= 0} style="display: none;"{/if}>
    <span id="quantityAvailable">{$product.quantity|intval}</span>
    <span {if $product.quantity > 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxt">{l s='item in stock'}</span>
    <span {if $product.quantity == 1} style="display: none;"{/if} id="quantityAvailableTxtMultiple">{l s='items in stock'}</span>

<!-- Out of stock hook -->
<p id="oosHook"{if $product.quantity > 0} style="display: none;"{/if}>

<p class="warning_inline" id="last_quantities"{if ($product.quantity > $last_qties OR $product.quantity <= 0) OR $allow_oosp OR !$product.available_for_order OR $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none"{/if} >{l s='Warning: Last items in stock!'}</p>
{*End Added quantity in stock*} 

this other post also on 中, 有人报告说他们能够使用 this Prestashop module 显示特定于产品尺寸属性的数量. {/如果}

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