java - @ValidateOnExecution 什么时候应该与 Jersey 一起使用?

标签 java validation rest jersey

我无法理解 @ValidateOnExecution 注释的本质。有人可以解释一下它的用例吗?

根据 jersey 的文档,资源方法的约束会自动验证。此代码片段来自jersey's example .

public List<ContactCard> getContacts() {
    return StorageService.findByName("");

@NotNull(message = "{contact.does.not.exist}")
public ContactCard getContact(
        @DecimalMin(value = "0", message = "{}")
        @PathParam("id") final Long id) {
    return StorageService.get(id);

如果约束在 pojo 中,您可以使用 @Valid ( See ) 触发验证。

class MyResourceClass {

public void registerUser(@Valid User user) {

那么@ValidateOnExecution 除了显式关闭验证之外还有什么用?


根据 Jersey latest documentation @ValidateOnExecution 注释应该用于下一个目的:

According to Bean Validation specification, validation is enabled by default only for the so called constrained methods. Getter methods as defined by the Java Beans specification are not constrained methods, so they will not be validated by default. The special annotation @ValidateOnExecution can be used to selectively enable and disable validation. For example, you can enable validation on method getEmail shown in Example

class MyResourceClass {

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;

The default value for the type attribute of @ValidateOnExecution is IMPLICIT which results in method getEmail being validated.

因此 @ValidateOnExecution 也可以至少用于启用 getter 方法的验证。

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