java - 如何模拟 CrudRepository 调用?

标签 java spring spring-mvc mocking mockito

我正在尝试对 Spring MVC 应用程序进行简单的 Controller 测试


@ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestContext.class, WebAppConfig.class})
public class NotificacaoControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private NotificacaoRepository notificacaoRepositoryMock;

    private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;

    public void setUp() {
        //We have to reset our mock between tests because the mock objects
        //are managed by the Spring container. If we would not reset them,
        //stubbing and verified behavior would "leak" from one test to another.

        mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();

    public void add_NewTodoEntry_ShouldAddTodoEntryAndRenderViewTodoEntryView() throws Exception {
        Notificacao added = new Notificacao(123,"resource","topic", "received", "sent");

        when( added )).thenReturn(added);

我的 TestContext 类有这个 bean

public NotificacaoRepository todoService() {
    return Mockito.mock(NotificacaoRepository.class);


public interface NotificacaoRepository extends CrudRepository<Notificacao, Long> {

但它甚至没有编译,我不断收到“无法从类型 CrudRepository 对非静态方法 save(Notificacao) 进行静态引用”最后一行“when( added ))

我在这个链接的例子中看到了这种用法但他在那里使用了一个服务类,它与 CrudRepository 的使用并不完全相同。

我试图找到一个如何测试 CrudRepository 实现的示例,但没有找到,所以我认为这应该像其他模拟一样简单



  when( added )).thenReturn(added);


when( added )).thenReturn(added);

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