java - 根据可用空间计算所需的列数和行数

标签 java algorithm


我看了一下this question但这并不是我所需要的。

这张 n = 8 的图片应该更清楚一点:

Calculate columns and rows



private int[] calculateRowsAndColumnsNeeded(int numberOfImages, Dimension containerSize){
int numberOfColumns = 0;
int numberOfRows = 0;

int containerArea = containerSize.height * containerSize.width;
float singleCellArea = containerArea / numberOfImages;
double cellSideLength = Math.sqrt(singleCellArea);

// What to do with cellSideLength to get the right number of columns and rows?

return new int[]{numberOfColumns, numberOfRows};}





我找到了一个解决方案,它可能不是最好的算法,但它至少适用于我需要的 1 - 20 个元素。我没有进一步测试。以后有办法的话我会改进的。

    private static int[] calculateRowsAndColumnsNeeded(int numberOfImages, Dimension containerSize){
    int colsAttempt = 0;
    int rowsAttempt = 0;
    // Calculate the length of one side from a single cell
    int containerArea = containerSize.height * containerSize.width;
    float singleCellArea = containerArea / numberOfImages;
    double cellSideLength = Math.sqrt(singleCellArea);

    colsAttempt = (int) Math.floor(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
    rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.floor(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

    if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){

        return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};

    // If the container is a square or bigger horizontally than vertically
    else if (containerSize.height <= containerSize.width){

        colsAttempt = (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
        rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.floor(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

        if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){
            return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};


            colsAttempt = (int) Math.floor(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
            rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

            if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){
                return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};
                colsAttempt = (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
                rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

                if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){
                    return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};
                    return null;
    // If the container is bigger vertically than horizontally
    else {

        colsAttempt = (int) Math.floor(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
        rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

        if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){
            return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};


            colsAttempt = (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
            rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.floor(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

            if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){
                return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};
                colsAttempt = (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.width / cellSideLength);
                rowsAttempt =  (int) Math.ceil(containerSize.height / cellSideLength);

                if (colsAttempt * rowsAttempt >= numberOfImages){
                    return new int[]{rowsAttempt, colsAttempt};
                    return null;

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