java - 为什么 HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() 抛出 IOException?

标签 java httpresponse httpurlconnection urlconnection http-response-codes


我可以看到 getResponseCode() 方法只是一个 getter 方法,它返回已经由之前发生的连接操作设置的 statusCode

那么在这种情况下,为什么会抛出 IOException


来自 javadoc :

It will return 200 and 401 respectively. Returns -1 if no code can be discerned from the response (i.e., the response is not valid HTTP).

Returns: the HTTP Status-Code, or -1

Throws: IOException - if an error occurred connecting to the server.

意味着如果代码未知(尚未向服务器请求),连接将打开并完成(此时可能发生 IOException)。


public int getResponseCode() throws IOException {
     * We're got the response code already
    if (responseCode != -1) {
        return responseCode;

     * Ensure that we have connected to the server. Record
     * exception as we need to re-throw it if there isn't
     * a status line.
    Exception exc = null;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        exc = e;

     * If we can't a status-line then re-throw any exception
     * that getInputStream threw.
    String statusLine = getHeaderField(0);
    if (statusLine == null) {
        if (exc != null) {
            if (exc instanceof RuntimeException)
                throw (RuntimeException)exc;
                throw (IOException)exc;
        return -1;

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