java - 如何使用文本 Action

标签 java swing action key-bindings jtextcomponent

使用TextAction的目的是什么?来自 AbstractAction ?以及如何将其用于以下用途:


来自 Java Swing 2nd Edition :

All text components share a set of default Actions. Each of these Actions are instances of TextAction by default. JTextComponent provides a private static EditorKit which consists of a set of four pre-built TextActions shared by all text components through the use of a default Keymap instance.

JTextComponent maintains a private reference to the text component that most recently had the keyboard focus. TextActions are designed to take advantage of this, and each TextAction will operate on this component when it’s invoked in the event that the source of the invoking event is not a text component.

下面是一些实现 TextAction 的例子:

Custom Editing Command

Finding Word Boundaries

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