java - java中的单例

标签 java static singleton lazy-loading


public class SingletonObjectDemo {

    private static SingletonObjectDemo singletonObject;
    // Note that the constructor is private
    private SingletonObjectDemo() {
        // Optional Code
    public static SingletonObjectDemo getSingletonObject() {
        if (singletonObject == null) {
            singletonObject = new SingletonObjectDemo();
       return singletonObject;


if (singletonObject == null) {
    singletonObject = new SingletonObjectDemo();

如果我们不使用这部分代码怎么办?仍然会有一个 SingletonObjectDemo 副本,那我们为什么需要这段代码?



if 语句是 lazy initialization 的一个实现技术。


private boolean firstTime = true;
private Stuff stuff;

public Stuff gimmeStuff() {
   if (firstTime) {
      firstTime = false;
      stuff = new Stuff();
   return stuff;

发生的事情是第一次调用 gimmeStuff() 时,firstTime 将为 true,所以 stuff 将被初始化为 new Stuff()。在后续调用中,firstTime 将为 false,因此将不再调用 new Stuff()

因此,stuff 被“延迟”初始化。直到第一次需要它时才真正初始化它。



需要说明的是,该代码段不是线程安全的。如果有多个线程,那么在一些race conditions new SingletonObjectDemo() 可能被调用多次。

一个解决方案是制作同步的getSingletonObject() 方法。但是,这确实会对 ALL 调用 getSingletonObject() 产生同步开销。所谓double-checked locking然后使用成语来尝试解决这个问题,但在 Java 中,直到 J2SE 5.0 在新的内存模型中引入 volatile 关键字,这个成语才真正起作用。




Effective Java 第二版


条款 71:明智地使用惰性初始化

As is the case for most optimizations, the best advice for lazy initialization is "don't do it unless you need to". Lazy initialization is a double-edged sword. It decreases the cost of initializing a class or creating an instance, at the expense of increasing the cost of accessing a lazily initialized field. Depending on what fraction of lazily initialized fields eventually require initialization, how expensive it is to initialize them, and how often each field is accessed, lazy initialization (like many "optimizations" actually harm performance).

In the presence of multiple threads, lazy initialization is tricky. If two or more threads share a lazily initialized field, it is critical that some form of synchronization be employed, or severe bugs can result.

Under most circumstances, normal initialization is preferable to lazy initialization.

项目 3:使用私有(private)构造函数或enum 类型强制实现单例属性

As of release 1.5. there is a third approach to implementing singletons. Simply make an enum type with one element. [...] This approach is functionally equivalent to the public field approach, except that it's more concise, provides the serialization mechanism for free, and provides ironclad guarantee against multiple instantiation, even in the face of sophisticated serialization or reflection-based attacks.

[...] A single-element enum type is the best way to implement a singleton.


关于 enum 单例/Java 实现:


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