java - Springfox Swagger 将响应状态 200 添加到 POST 和 PUT

标签 java spring swagger springfox

我正在使用 springfox-swagger2 2.6.1 版,它会自动为 PUT 和 POST 操作插入 HTTP 200 响应消息,尽管我尝试将其配置为不这样做(我不使用响应状态 200 用于 POST 或PUT,但分别为 201 和 204);看下面的截图:

enter image description here

我看到了类似问题的答案,其中作者建议向您的 Controller 添加一个 @ResponseStatus 注释以“修复”它,但这变得不灵活并且违背了 Spring 关于使用 ResponseEntity@ResponseStatus 用于 rest API。示例:

How to change the response status code for successful operation in Swagger?

有没有其他方法可以强制Springfox Swagger不添加这个200 OK状态码?

我的 Docket 配置:

public Docket api() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                    typeResolver.resolve(DeferredResult.class, typeResolver.resolve(ResponseEntity.class, WildcardType.class)),

...以及实际的 API 端点声明:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a new enrolment", code = 201)
@ApiResponses(value = {
        @ApiResponse(code = 201, message = "New enrolment created",
                responseHeaders = @ResponseHeader(name = "Location", description = "The resulting URI of the newly-created enrolment", response = String.class))})
public ResponseEntity<Void> saveNewEnrolment(@ApiParam(value = "Enrolment to save", required = true) @RequestBody final Enrolment enrolment) {
    // implementation code removed; "location" header is created and returned
    return ResponseEntity.created(location).build();


尝试添加 @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED)@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) 注释。取自here

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