java - 如何处理@ViewScoped页面中的 'cached'实例?

标签 java jpa caching eclipselink

应用以 JSF 运行, Primefaces , eclipselink ,不是一个小应用程序,大约 100 页/bean 都运行良好

我在理解我的 @ViewScoped 时遇到了一些麻烦页面有效,我得到一个 select UI组件,填充了一个简单的List<People>和一个后端 selectedPeople在我的 bean 里

// all getters, setters, JPA annotations, all good
public class People {
    private String name;
    private List<Car> cars;

public class PeopleBean {
    private Service sPeople;
    private People selectedPeople;
    private List<People> listPpl;

    public void init(){
        listPpl = sPeople.readAll();      // always good, same as DB values

    public People getSelectedPeople(){
       return selectedPeople;

    public People setSelectedPeople(People p){     // p is an old element
       selectedPeople = p;                         // BREAKPOINT

    // getter for the list too
    public void method(){
        Logger.getAnoymousLogger().severe(selectedPeople.getCars()); // the one the old people, not the ne contained in the actual list

<p:selectOneMenu id="selectP" value="#{peopleBean.selectedPeople}" converted="#{genericSecuerdConverter}" >
    <p:ajax event="change" partialSubmit="true" listener="#{peopleBean.method()}" />
    <f:selectItems value="#{peopleBean.listPpl}" var="people" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{people}" />


  • 转到peoplePage.xhtml选择元素在哪里,IDs列表的元素是 #410, #411, #412 (3 人)
  • 转到modif.xhtml , 换第三个人(去掉一个 car , 存入DB(check in DB))
  • 回到peoplePage.xhtml ,列表没问题,IDs在调试中是 #650, #651, #652
  • 更改 selectUI 的值(来自 null )以选择一个人,并在断点处,p似乎是 #412元素,所以它的汽车列表上的变化是不可见的,它不是来自 listPpl (因为只包含有效元素,对应DB),是一种缓存

我试图禁用 ecpliselink 缓存状态 EclipleLink cache

  • 更改 eclipselink 属性
  • 更改JPA属性
  • 使用@Cacheable(false)



编辑 目前我使用了一种解决方法,但这显然是最佳解决方案

public People setSelectedPeople(People p){    
        selectedPeople =;                         


您正在寻找的是@RequestScoped。每次您执行合适的 HTTP 请求时,它都会创建所有内容。否则不能保证销毁 @ViewScoped bean。 Omnifaces 文档中的示例:ViewScoped .


@RequestScoped Bean lives as long as the HTTP request-response lives. It gets created upon a HTTP request and gets destroyed when the HTTP response associated with the HTTP request is finished.

@ViewScoped Bean lives as long as the user is interacting with the same JSF view in the browser window/tab. It gets created upon a HTTP request and gets destroyed once the user postbacks to a different view.


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