javascript - 如果插槽不是从父级传递的,则进行条件渲染

标签 javascript vue.js vuejs2


  <slot name='header'></slot>
  <template v-if='?'>
    <h1>{{ someInput }}</h1>

我想显示<h1>{{ some input }}</h1>如果没有任何东西通过插槽。我可以使用什么作为 v-if 中的条件?



  <slot name='header'>
    <h1>{{ someInput }}</h1>

Anything originally inside the tags is considered fallback content. Fallback content is compiled in the child scope and will only be displayed if the hosting element is empty and has no content to be inserted.

来自docs .

关于javascript - 如果插槽不是从父级传递的,则进行条件渲染,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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