javascript - 输入文本时,具有可扩展行的 Vuetify 数据表会崩溃

标签 javascript vue.js vuejs2 vuetify.js



new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data () {
    return {
      headers: [
          text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
          align: 'left',
          sortable: false,
          value: 'name'
        { text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
        { text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
        { text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
        { text: 'Protein (g)', value: 'protein' },
        { text: 'Sodium (mg)', value: 'sodium' },
        { text: 'Calcium (%)', value: 'calcium' },
        { text: 'Iron (%)', value: 'iron' }
      items: [
        {value: false, name: 'Frozen Yogurt', calories: 159, fat: 6.0, carbs: 24, protein: 4.0, sodium: 87, calcium: '14%', iron: '1%'},
        {value: false, name: 'Ice cream sandwich', calories: 237, fat: 9.0, carbs: 37, protein: 4.3, sodium: 129, calcium: '8%', iron: '1%'}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href=',400,500,700|Material+Icons' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app">
    <v-app id="inspire">
        <template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
          <tr @click="props.expanded = !props.expanded">
            <td>{{ }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.calories }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.fat }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.carbs }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.protein }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.sodium }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.calcium }}</td>
            <td class="text-xs-right">{{ props.item.iron }}</td>
        <template slot="expand" slot-scope="props">
          <v-card flat>
            <v-card flat="flat" color="grey lighten-4">
              <v-container fluid="fluid" grid-list-xl="grid-list-xl">
                <v-layout row="row" wrap="wrap">
                  <v-flex sm3="sm3">
                    <v-text-field label="Calories" v-model=""></v-text-field>
                  <v-flex sm3="sm3">
                    <v-text-field label="Calories" v-model="props.item.calories"></v-text-field>



我的问题的答案,有点乱,问题是由于 item-key,这是我所做的:

// Changing from:
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="items" item-key="name">

// Changed to:
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="items" item-key="dummyIndexFixForCollapseIssue">

// in `data` using generated random value for 
data () {
  return {
    items: [
      {dummyIndexFixForCollapseIssue: this.generateRandomNumber(), name: 'Frozen Yogurt', calories: 159},
      {dummyIndexFixForCollapseIssue: this.generateRandomNumber(), name: 'Ice cream sandwich', calories: 237}

// here is the `method` to generating random value 
methods: {
  generateRandomNumber () {
    return Number(Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000) + 10000)

关于javascript - 输入文本时,具有可扩展行的 Vuetify 数据表会崩溃,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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