javascript - 有条件地呈现结束标记以模拟日历行为

标签 javascript css vue.js vuejs2 vue-component

我可以使用 v-if 有条件地呈现结束标记吗? ?如果是,正确的方法是什么?我的第一 react 是:

<template v-for="day in days">
    <td class="days">{{day.number}}</td>
        <template v-if="day.isSunday">

它自己工作,但它不会渲染 </tr><tr> raw - 这是预期的行为吗?

如果这是不可能的 - 有条件地打破表格行的最佳方法是什么?

我的具体情况是 - 包含附加信息的数组中的一个月中的几天。每天都有一个isSunday属性,我想在每个星期天之后开始一个新行(模仿日历行为)


通常我建议将所有逻辑放在脚本中,只在模板部分使用属性和调用方法,因此对于这种情况,我将定义一个名为 cptDays 的 computed 属性 在其中循环遍历 days 数组,当我遇到正常的一天时,如果那天是星期日,我会在一周内推送它,我会推送它并递增周数,最后我返回 month 数组,我在模板中循环它。


我使用了 bootstrap 的 CSS 以提供漂亮的外观,您可以将其删除并且您的代码不会更改

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    days: [{
        "number": 1,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 2,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 3,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 4,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 5,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 6,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 7,
        "isSunday": true
        "number": 8,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 9,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 10,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 11,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 12,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 13,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 14,
        "isSunday": true
        "number": 15,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 16,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 17,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 18,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 19,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 20,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 21,
        "isSunday": true
        "number": 22,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 23,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 24,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 25,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 26,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 27,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 28,
        "isSunday": true

        "number": 29,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 30,
        "isSunday": false
        "number": 31,
        "isSunday": false
  computed: {
    cptDays() {
      let month = [],
        i = 0;
      this.days.forEach((day) => {

        if (!day.isSunday) {
          if (month[i] == undefined) {
            month[i] = [];
          } else {

        } else {
      return month;


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta name="description" content="Vue.delete">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>JS Bin</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-MCw98/SFnGE8fJT3GXwEOngsV7Zt27NXFoaoApmYm81iuXoPkFOJwJ8ERdknLPMO" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="app">
    <table class="table table-striped">
        <tr v-for="week in cptDays">
          <td v-for="day in week ">{{day.number}}</td>

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