Typescript 相当于 Java 的枚举(或 C# 的结构)

标签 typescript enums

我需要在 Typescript 中创建一个枚举。但是,您只能使用基于整数的枚举,例如 C#。 C# 仍然有它的结构来做非整数相关的事情。这似乎没有在 TypeScript 中实现。我是否需要“变通”或是否实现了某些措施?

我尝试实现的是 TypeScript 中与此 Java 代码等效的内容:

public enum Something { 


 private String value; 

 private Something (String value) { 
  this.value = value; 



现在是 typescript@3.5.2,但没有像 java 或 c# 这样的枚举。 所以我写了一些解决方法。

 * Decorator for Enum.
 * @param {string} idPropertyName - property name to find enum value by property value. Usage in valueOf method
 * @return constructor of enum type
export function Enum<T = any>(idPropertyName?: keyof T) {
    // tslint:disable-next-line
    return function <T extends (Function & EnumClass)>(target: T): T {
        const store: EnumStore = {
            name: target.prototype.constructor.name,
            enumMap: {},
            enumMapByName: {},
            enumValues: [],
            idPropertyName: idPropertyName
        // Lookup static fields
        for (const fieldName of Object.keys(target)) {
            const value: any = (target as any)[fieldName];
            // Check static field: to be instance of enum type
            if (value instanceof target) {
                const enumItem: Enumerable = value;
                let id = fieldName;
                if (idPropertyName) {
                    id = (value as any)[idPropertyName];
                    if (typeof id !== "string" && typeof id !== "number") {
                        const enumName = store.name;
                        throw new Error(`The value of the ${idPropertyName} property in the enumeration element ${enumName}.${fieldName} is not a string or a number: ${id}`);
                if (store.enumMap[id]) {
                    const enumName = store.name;
                    throw new Error(`An element with the identifier ${id}: ${enumName}.${store.enumMap[id].enumName} already exists in the enumeration ${enumName}`);
                store.enumMap[id] = enumItem;
                store.enumMapByName[fieldName] = enumItem;
                enumItem.__enumName__ = fieldName;
        target.__store__ = store;
        return target;

/** Key->Value type */
export type EnumMap = {[key: string]: Enumerable};

/** Type for Meta-Data of Enum */
export type EnumClass = {
    __store__: EnumStore

/** Store Type. Keep meta data for enum */
export type EnumStore = {
    name: string,
    enumMap: EnumMap,
    enumMapByName: EnumMap,
    enumValues: Enumerable[],
    idPropertyName?: any

/** Enum Item Type */
export type EnumItemType = {
    __enumName__: string;

/** Interface for IDE: autocomplete syntax and keywords */
export interface IStaticEnum<T> extends EnumClass {

    new(): {enumName: string};

    values(): ReadonlyArray<T>;

    valueOf(id: string | number): T;

    valueByName(name: string): T;

/** Base class for enum type */
export class Enumerable implements EnumItemType {
    // tslint:disable:variable-name
    // stub. need for type safety
    static readonly __store__ = {} as EnumStore;
    // Initialize inside @Enum decorator
    __enumName__ = "";
    // tslint:enable:variable-name

    constructor() {

     * Get all elements of enum
     * @return {ReadonlyArray<T>} all elements of enum
    static values(): ReadonlyArray<any> {
        return this.__store__.enumValues;

     * Lookup enum item by id
     * @param {string | number} id - value for lookup
     * @return enum item by id
    static valueOf(id: string | number): any {
        const value = this.__store__.enumMap[id];
        if (!value) {
            throw new Error(`The element with ${id} identifier does not exist in the $ {clazz.name} enumeration`);
        return value;

     * Lookup enum item by enum name
     * @param {string} name - enum name
     * @return item by enum name
    static valueByName(name: string): any {
        const value = this.__store__.enumMapByName[name];
        if (!value) {
            throw new Error(`The element with ${name} name does not exist in the ${this.__store__.name} enumeration`);
        return value;

    /** Get enum name */
    get enumName(): string {
        return this.__enumName__;

    /** Get enum id value or enum name */
    toString(): string {
        const clazz = this.topClass;
        if (clazz.__store__.idPropertyName) {
            const self = this as any;
            return self[clazz.__store__.idPropertyName];
        return this.enumName;

    private get topClass(): EnumClass {
        return this.constructor as any;

/** 'Casting' method to make correct Enum Type */
export function EnumType<T>(): IStaticEnum<T> {
    return (<IStaticEnum<T>> Enumerable);


// node-module
// import {Enum, EnumType} from "ts-jenum";

class Something extends EnumType<Something>() {

    static readonly PENNY = new Something("Penny");
    static readonly NICKLE = new Something("Nickle");

    constructor(readonly value: string) {

// Usage example
console.log("" + Something.PENNY);              // Penny
console.log("" + Something.NICKLE);             // Nickle
console.log(Something.values());                // [Something.PENNY, Something.NICKLE]
console.log(Something.valueByName("PENNY"));    // Something.PENNY
console.log(Something.PENNY.enumName);          // PENNY


关于Typescript 相当于 Java 的枚举(或 C# 的结构),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42480710/


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