typescript 构造函数泛型参数推断

标签 typescript type-inference


'use strict';

abstract class TypedSerializer<In, Out> {

  record: In;

  constructor(record: In) {
    this.record = record;

  serializeObject<PIn, POut, S extends ObjectSerializerConstructor<PIn, POut>>(ctor: S, data: PIn): POut {
    const serializerInstance = new ctor(data);
    return serializerInstance.toObject();

  serializeArray<PIn, POut, S extends ObjectSerializerConstructor<PIn, POut>>(ctor: S, arr: PIn[]): POut[] {
    const fn: ((PIn) => POut) = data => this.serializeObject(ctor, data);
    return arr.map(fn);

type ObjectSerializerConstructor<In, Out> = {
  new(record: In): ObjectSerializer<In, Out>;

abstract class ObjectSerializer<In, Out> extends TypedSerializer<In, Out> {

  toObject(): Out {
    return null as Out;

abstract class TypedListSerializer<In, Out> extends TypedSerializer<In, Out> {
  toList(): Out[] {
    return [] as Out[];

interface A {
  prop1: string;

interface B {
  prop2: string;

class RecordSerializer extends ObjectSerializer<A, B> implements B {

  get prop2() {
    return '';

interface ListOut {
  arr: B[]

class TestListSerializer extends TypedListSerializer<A, ListOut> implements ListOut {
  produceInputs(): A[] {
    return [] as A[];

  get arr() { // <-- fails here, line 63
    return this.serializeArray(RecordSerializer, this.produceInputs());


tsc --moduleResolution node --target es6 --lib es6 --noEmit true test.ts 
test.ts(63,7): error TS2416: Property 'arr' in type 'TestListSerializer' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'ListOut'.
  Type '{}[]' is not assignable to type 'B[]'.
    Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'B'.
      Property 'prop2' is missing in type '{}'.

这里是 link typescript Playground

在我看来,TSC 似乎无法正确推断出 RecordSerializer 的实际通用参数,因此它以 {} 数组而不是 数组结尾B.

添加像 this.serializeArray(...) as B[] 这样的显式转换可以解决这个问题。 但必须有更好的方法来告诉 Typescript 我想要什么。我错过了什么?

我正在使用 v2.8.1


让 typescript 根据一个通用参数推断另一个通用参数通常效果不佳。最简单的解决方案是使用条件类型根据 S

type GetInFrom<T> = T extends ObjectSerializerConstructor<infer In, any>? In : never; 
type GetOutFrom<T> = T extends ObjectSerializerConstructor<any, infer Out>? Out : never;

serializeObject<S extends ObjectSerializerConstructor<any, any>>(ctor: S, data: GetInFrom<S>): GetOutFrom<S> {
    const serializerInstance = new ctor(data);
    return serializerInstance.toObject();

serializeArray<S extends ObjectSerializerConstructor<any, any>>(ctor: S, arr: GetInFrom<S>[]): GetOutFrom<S>[] {
    const fn: ((pIn: GetInFrom<S>) => GetOutFrom<S>) = (data => this.serializeObject(ctor, data));
    return arr.map(fn);

playground 上的完整代码

关于 typescript 构造函数泛型参数推断,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50282206/


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