Typescript 继承并重载了函数的字符串文字参数

标签 typescript


BaseWidget --> TextBox --> ValidationTextBox

BaseWidget 提供了一个名为getObj(name) 的JS 函数映射到 getObj(name: string): any在 TS 中并有效地在当前对象上查找名为 _get<name> 的函数, 执行它,并返回结果。

这些“属性”在各个类上公开,并在类之间继承,这样 ValidationTextBox 就可以访问 TextBox 上的所有属性。我想知道是否可以添加类似于我在下面尝试过的类型,而不必在每个类中重新定义重载。

interface BaseWidget {
    getObj(name: string): any

interface TextBox extends BaseWidget {
    getObj(name: "B"): string

interface ValidationTextBox extends TextBox {
    getObj(name: "C"): boolean
    // getObj(name: "B"): string; // Adding this would make it compile, but obviously not ideal in the least
    // getObj(name: string): any // Adding this also compiles, but I lose type information for 'getObj("B")'

declare const obj: ValidationTextBox;
console.log(obj.getObj("B")); // Error: Argument of type '"B"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"C"'

TS Playground link

当前解决方案的错误是 Interface 'ValidationTextBox' incorrectly extends interface 'TextBox'.因为在 getObj(...) 中“B”不可分配给“C” .




interface ValidationTextBox extends TextBox {
    // The extra overload with C, and whatever overloads are in the base class (TextBox['getObj'])
    getObj: ((name: "C") => boolean) & TextBox['getObj'];

另一种解决方案是使类型通用,以允许我们添加到 name 参数的类型,而无需实际覆盖方法:

interface BaseWidget<TName = string> {
    getObj(name: TName): any

// TName can be used to add to the getName overload in derived interfaces
interface TextBox<TName = never> extends BaseWidget<TName | "B"> {

// TName can be used to add to the getName overload in derived interfaces
interface ValidationTextBox<TName = never> extends TextBox<TName | "C"> {

declare const obj: ValidationTextBox;

关于Typescript 继承并重载了函数的字符串文字参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51017009/


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