angular - 对象的构造函数数组 - typescript

标签 angular typescript object

我正在使用 typescript 在 Angular2 中编写代码。我有这个对象:

export class Car{
    name: String;
    door: {
        position: String;
        id: Number;


constructor() {
    this.door= new Door();
export class Door{
    position: String;
    ID: Number


export class Car{
    name: String;
    door: {
        position: String;
        id: Number;
    color: {
       one: String;
       two: String;


我也尝试这样做 已编辑

constructor() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        this.color.push(new Color);
        this.door= new Door();

export class Color{
    one: String;
    two: String;


ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of undefined


问题是您将 color 属性声明为具有 {one: string; 类型的单个项目的元组。二:字符串


this.color= [new Color()];


color: {
    one: String;
    two: String;


this.color= [];
// Push 10 elements in the array, you can replace 10 with how many elements you need.
for(let i = 0; i< 10; i++) this.color.push(new Color()); 

有关元组的更多信息 here

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