node.js - 如何修复 TypeScript 错误属性 'isBoom' 在类型 'Boom<any> | ResponseObject' 上不存在

标签 node.js typescript hapi.js

以下源代码返回 TypeScript 错误:

  type: 'onPreResponse',
  method: async (request, handler) => {
    if (request.response.isBoom && request.response.message !== 'Invalid request payload input') {
      if (request.response.isServer) {
        logger.captureException(request.response, null, {
          digest: this.requestDigest(request)
      } else {
        logger.captureMessage(request.response.message, 'info', null, {
          digest: this.requestDigest(request)
    return handler.continue;

enter image description here

Property 'isBoom' does not exist on type 'Boom | ResponseObject'. Property 'isBoom' does not exist on type 'ResponseObject'.

Property 'isServer' does not exist on type 'Boom | ResponseObject'. Property 'isServer' does not exist on type 'ResponseObject'.

Argument of type 'string | ((httpMessage: string) => ResponseObject)' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type '(httpMessage: string) => ResponseObject' is not assignable to type 'string'.

我该如何修复它们? @types/hapi 有问题吗?


由于 response 是一个联合 ResponseObject |繁荣| null 除非我们使用类型保护,否则我们只能访问联合体的公共(public)成员。

类型保护有多种类型,您可以阅读有关 here 的更多信息。下面我使用 in 类型保护来根据属性的存在进行区分

import { Server } from 'hapi';

const hapi = new Server({})

    type: 'onPreResponse',
    method: async (request, handler) => {
        if (request.response && 'isBoom' in request.response && request.response.message !== 'Invalid request payload input') {
            if (request.response.isServer) {
                request.response.message // string 
            return handler.continue;

由于类型 Boom 是一个类,因此 instanceof 类型防护也应该起作用:

    type: 'onPreResponse',
    method: async (request, handler) => {
        if (request.response && request.response instanceof Boom && request.response.message !== 'Invalid request payload input') {
            if (request.response.isServer) {
                request.response.message // string 
            return handler.continue;

注意在这两种情况下,我都添加了对 request.response 的检查,以从联合中排除 null。仅当启用了 strictNullChecks 时,编译器才需要这样做,但无论如何这可能是一个好主意。

关于node.js - 如何修复 TypeScript 错误属性 'isBoom' 在类型 'Boom<any> | ResponseObject' 上不存在,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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