Angular CLI : False positive circular dependency warning for nested Material Dialogs?

标签 angular typescript angular-material angular-cli circular-dependency

我的 Angular 8 应用程序使用一个服务类,该服务类包装 Angular Material 对话框实现并基于许多不同的组件类型呈现对话框。这是它的简化版本:

export class MyService {
    renderDialogTypeOne() {
        // implementation here calls

    renderDialogTypeTwo() {
        // implementation here calls

由于此服务类引用它呈现的类型,因此它对它们具有依赖性。但是,其中一种呈现的类型(下面的 TypeTwo)也将上述服务注入(inject)到其构造函数中,以便它可以启动自己的 TypeOne 对话框:

export class TypeOne {

export class TypeTwo {
    contructor(private service: MyService) { }

    showNestedDialog() {

因此,服务类和 TypeTwo 之间似乎存在循环依赖关系。我知道我可以通过将服务类分成多个部分并仅引用给定上下文中所需的部分来解决此问题,但纯粹拆分一个类来解决编译器警告似乎并不正确。


除了禁用 Angular 的循环依赖警告之外,还有其他合理的解决方案吗?


Dialog 的 Angular Material 源代码显示Injector用于实例化要在对话框中显示的组件。 This approach breaks circular dependencies .


可以通过更新 angular.json 来禁用循环依赖警告。不幸的是,这个选项不适用于每个文件。

Angular .json

  "defaults": {
    "build": {
      "showCircularDependencies": false


下面的解决方案允许嵌套调用,其中 Dialog组件类型 DialogYesNoComponent可以打开Dialog组件类型 DialogWarningComponent反之亦然。


import { DialogService, DialogYesNoComponent, DialogWarningComponent } from '...'

export class TypeOne {
  constructor(private dialog_service: DialogService) { }

  showYesNoDialog() {
    const dialog_question = "Would you like to continue?";
    const dialog_ref: MatDialogRef<DialogYesNoComponent> =
        question: dialog_question,
        title: 'Confirm', height: '300px' })
      (choice: 'yes' | 'no') => {
        if (choice === 'yes') {
          // Continue
        } else {
          // Open Nested Dialog
          this.showWarningDialog("Stopping the program.");

  showWarningDialog(warning: String) {


import { ElementRef, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialog, MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material';

import { DialogWarningComponent } from './dialog-warning/dialog-warning.component';
import { DialogYesNoComponent } from './dialog-yes-no/dialog-yes-no.component';

export class DialogService {
  constructor(public dialog: MatDialog) { }

  public open_yes_no_dialog({ question, title = 'Confirm', yes_button_first = true,
    has_backdrop = false, height = '250px', width = '350px' }:
      question: string, title?: string, yes_button_first?: boolean, has_backdrop?: boolean,
      height?: string, width?: string
    }): MatDialogRef<DialogYesNoComponent> {

    const dialog_ref =, {
      autoFocus: true,
      backdropClass: 'cdk-overlay-transparent-backdrop',
      closeOnNavigation: true,
      disableClose: false,
      hasBackdrop: has_backdrop,
      height: height,
      width: width,
      data: { question: question, title: title, yes_button_first: yes_button_first }

    return dialog_ref

  public open_warning_dialog() {
    { warning, title = 'Warning',
    has_backdrop = false, height = '250px', width = '350px' }:
      warning: string, title?: string, has_backdrop?: boolean,
      height?: string, width?: string
    }): MatDialogRef<DialogWarningComponent> {

    const dialog_ref =, {
      autoFocus: true,
      backdropClass: 'cdk-overlay-transparent-backdrop',
      closeOnNavigation: true,
      disableClose: false,
      hasBackdrop: has_backdrop,
      height: height,
      width: width,
      data: { warning: warning, title: title }

    return dialog_ref


import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';

export interface YesNoDialogOptions {
  question: string
  title: string
  yes_button_first: boolean

  selector: 'dialog-yes-no',
  templateUrl: './dialog-yes-no.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./dialog-yes-no.component.css']
export class DialogYesNoComponent {
  constructor(public dialog_ref: MatDialogRef<DialogYesNoComponent>,
    @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public options: YesNoDialogOptions) { }


import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog';

export interface WarningDialogOptions {
  warning: string
  title: string

  selector: 'dialog-warning',
  templateUrl: './dialog-warning.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./dialog-warning.component.css']
export class DialogWarningComponent {
  constructor(public dialog_ref: MatDialogRef<DialogWarningComponent>,
    @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public options: WarningDialogOptions) { }

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