typescript - 在转换为 TypeScript 中的类型的变量上调用 `new`

标签 typescript jestjs

我正在编写一些单元测试,我想测试我的构造函数是否在运行时因参数无效而失败。如果在 TS 项目中使用无效参数调用构造函数,它会在编译时失败,因此我首先必须将其转换为 any


export default class MyClass {
    constructor(public value: 1 | 2 | 3) {
        if (!this.value || 
            isNaN(this.value) || 
            this.value < 1 || this.value > 3 || 
            parseInt(this.value) !== this.value) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid value: '${this.value}'`);


test('MyClass validates its constructor arguments', () => {
    expect(() => new (MyClass as any)()).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    expect(() => new (MyClass as any)('abc')).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    expect(() => new (MyClass as any)(null)).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    // ...


test('MyClass validates its constructor arguments', () => {
    // this type declaration isn't right
    const MC = MyClass as any as { new: (...args: any[]) => MyClass };

    expect(() => new MC()).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    expect(() => new MC('abc')).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    expect(() => new MC(null)).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    // ...

我依稀记得我写了一个泛型,它有一个类型参数需要一个类,我认为我就是这样写的——一个对象有一个名为 new 的函数,但我现在不能找到我在网上找到它的地方,我什至不记得我最初是在哪个项目中编写它的。

无论如何,对于这段代码,TypeScript 对我大喊大叫:

Cannot use 'new' with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature.ts(2351)

我还尝试将 { new: ... } 更改为 { constructor: ... },结果相同。

我可以将 MC 保留为 any,这适合单元测试,但我想知道将来如何做。


test('MyClass validates its constructor arguments', () => {

    type Constructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
    const MC = MyClass as Constructor<MyClass>;

    expect(() => new MC()).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    expect(() => new MC('abc')).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    expect(() => new MC(null)).toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot();
    // ...


const MC = MyClass as new (...args: any[]) => MyClass;

这是 both options in the playground .

关于typescript - 在转换为 TypeScript 中的类型的变量上调用 `new`,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56603493/


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