javascript - typescript 创建来自变量的类型的对象

标签 javascript angular typescript class oop



const wType = def.getWidgetType(); // returns Widget as type
const obj = new wType('foo'); // use the const like a normal type with parameters


public getWidgetType(): any {
 return TextWidget;


错误 TS2351:无法将“new”与类型缺少调用或构造签名的表达式一起使用。

是否有一个“不错”的版本(没有 eval)来创建具有给定类类型的对象?


假设 getWidgetType 返回的是一个构造函数,您可以调用 new wType('foo') 提供 getWidgetType 的签名明确说明它返回构造函数签名。


class Definition<T> {
    // Takes in a constructor
    constructor(public ctor: new (p: string) => T) {

    // returns a constructor (aka a function that can be used with the new operator)
    // return type annotation could be inferred here, was added for demonstrative purposes 
    getWidgetType() : new (p: string) => T{
        return this.ctor;

const def = new Definition(class {
    constructor(p: string) {}

const wType = def.getWidgetType();
const obj = new wType('foo')

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