typescript - typescript 中类型断言的详细逻辑是什么?

标签 typescript type-assertion

我将 type assertion 视为类似 编译器,您好,我比您更了解此变量的类型。跟我来!


interface PM_MGEInfo {
    category: string;
    bid: string;
    cid?: string;
    labs?: { [key: string]: any };


  1. function makeMgeInfo(bid: string): PM_MGEInfo {
        return <PM_MGEInfo>{
  2. function makeMgeInfo(bid: string): PM_MGEInfo {
        return <PM_MGEInfo>{
            labs: {}
  3. function makeMgeInfo(bid: string): PM_MGEInfo {
        return <PM_MGEInfo>{
            // error TS2352: Type '{ labs: { poi_id: string; }; bid: string; }' cannot be converted to type 'PM_MGEInfo'.
            // Property 'category' is missing in type '{ labs: { poi_id: string; }; bid: string; }'.
            labs: {a: 1}

为什么type assertion开始检查3中的其他字段?有人知道它的详细逻辑吗?

更新:我在 Github 中创建了一个问题 Microsoft/TypeScript#23698 .


检查规范 4.16 Type Assertions ,灵感来自 this answer :

In a type assertion expression of the form < T > e, e is contextually typed (section 4.23) by T and the resulting type of e is required to be assignable to T, or T is required to be assignable to the widened form of the resulting type of e, or otherwise a compile-time error occurs.

对于情况 1,T 显然可以分配给 e

对于情况 2,e 的扩展形式是 {bid: string, labs: Object},T 可分配给它。请注意 labs? 可分配给 Object(事实上,我不确定,但这是我唯一可能的解释)。


关于typescript - typescript 中类型断言的详细逻辑是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50015151/



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