generics - TypeScript 中是否可以使用泛型类型别名?

标签 generics typescript alias

typescript 1.4 introduced type aliases .这些示例显示了如何使用像 type MyGreeter = Greeter<string> 这样的别名但是否可以使用通用别名?


type GenericAlias<T> = OriginalType<T>
type GenericAlias = OriginalType<T>



从 TypeScript 1.6 开始,这是可能的。

// from #1616:
type Lazy<T> = T | (() => T);

var s: Lazy<string>;
s = "eager";
s = () => "lazy";

1.6 之前的答案

不,还没有。您可以在 issue #1616 中看到这方面的进展.


Lately we've been quite busy with ES6 alignment and the recently announced Angular 2.0 related features. We will get to (re)evaluating some of these type system specific issues but there's no concrete date for issues like this at the moment. - Source

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