
标签 android android-layout

在 iOS 中,我非常喜欢删除 Storyboard 并使用制图框架将所有内容放在代码中。这是从 Cartography 的 github 上偷来的:

constrain(view1, view2) { view1, view2 in
    view1.width   == (view1.superview!.width - 50) * 0.5
    view2.width   == view1.width - 50
    view1.height  == 40
    view2.height  == view1.height
    view1.centerX == view1.superview!.centerX
    view2.centerX == view1.centerX

    view1.top >= view1.superview!.top + 20
    view2.top == view1.bottom + 20

Android 是否有任何等价物?似乎新的约束布局是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,但我想以编程方式进行。


游戏有点晚了,但您需要基本上将约束布局中的 View 视为具有自己的 LayoutParams 的常规 View 。

在 ConstraintLayout 案例中,文档位于此处:https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/constraintlayout/widget/ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams

This class contains the different attributes specifying how a view want to be laid out inside a ConstraintLayout. For building up constraints at run time, using ConstraintSet is recommended.

因此,推荐的方法是使用 ConstraintSet .


例如:假设您的布局包含一个 ConstraintLayout(此处称为 mConstraintLayout)并且其中包含一个 View (示例中为 R.id.go_button),您可以这样做:

    ConstraintSet set = new ConstraintSet();

    // You may want (optional) to start with the existing constraint,
    // so uncomment this.
    // set.clone(mConstraintLayout); 

    // Resize to 100dp
    set.constrainHeight(R.id.go_button, (int)(100 * density));
    set.constrainWidth(R.id.go_button, (int)(100 * density));

    // center horizontally in the container
    set.centerHorizontally(R.id.go_button, R.id.rootLayout);

    // pin to the bottom of the container
    set.connect(R.id.go_button, BOTTOM, R.id.rootLayout, BOTTOM, 8);

    // Apply the changes
    // this is my… (ConstraintLayout) findViewById(R.id.rootLayout);

关于以编程方式进行Android约束布局?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39296627/


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