Objective-C >> 获取内存中的对象地址

标签 objective-c memory-management memory-address

如何在我的代码中的某个点捕获对象的地址? 例如:

NSString * aString = @"bla bla";
//what is the current address of aString. i.e to which address in memory does it currently point to
aString = @"la la la";
//what is the current address of aString.



NSString *temp = @"123";

uintptr_t ptrAddress = (uintptr_t) temp;

NSLog(@"%@ %p %lu", temp, temp, ptrAddress);


2013-07-11 11:51:20.796 asd[6474:907] 123 0x17985c 1546332

它也可能对您有用 - NSPointerArray (iOS 6+)

关于Objective-C >> 获取内存中的对象地址,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17588679/


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