objective-c - 带有 BOOL 标志的应用程序状态

标签 objective-c c boolean state flags

我的应用程序中有 5 个状态,我使用 BOOL 标志来标记它们。但这并不简单,因为当我想改变状态时,我必须写 5 行来改变所有标志。



//need to choose second state
flag1 = false;
flag2 = true;
flag3 = false;
flag4 = false;
flag5 = false;

此外,这很糟糕,因为我一次可以选择 2 个状态。

附言 我发现现代的和更苹果的方式。在下面回答。


使用 typedef enum 使用位掩码定义所有可能的状态。

注意这将为您提供最多 64 种不同的状态(在大多数平台上)。如果您需要更多可能的状态,此解决方案将不起作用。

处理此方案需要您完全理解并安全地处理 boolean 代数。

//define all possible states
typedef enum
    stateOne = 1 << 0,     // = 1
    stateTwo = 1 << 1,     // = 2
    stateThree = 1 << 2,   // = 4
    stateFour = 1 << 3,    // = 8  
    stateFive = 1 << 4     // = 16
} FiveStateMask;

//declare a state
FiveStateMask state;

//select single state
state = stateOne;         // = 1

//select a mixture of two states
state = stateTwo | stateFive;     // 16 | 2 = 18

//add a state 
state |= stateOne;                // 18 | 1 = 19

//remove stateTwo from our state (if set)
if ((state & stateTwo) == stateTwo)
    state ^= stateTwo;           // 19 ^ 2 = 17

//check for a single state (while others might also be selected)
if ((state & stateOne) == stateOne)
    //stateOne is selected, do something

//check for a combination of states (while others might also be selected)
if ((state & (stateOne | stateTwo)) == stateOne | stateTwo)
    //stateOne and stateTwo are selected, do something

//the previous check is a lot nicer to read when using a mask (again)
FiveStateMask checkMask = stateOne | stateTwo;
if ((state & checkMask) == checkMask)
    //stateOne and stateTwo are selected, do something

关于objective-c - 带有 BOOL 标志的应用程序状态,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8956364/


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