iphone - 如果我在 UITableView headerView 中放置 iAd,我的应用程序会被拒绝吗?

标签 iphone objective-c cocoa-touch app-store iad

我在 UITableView 的 headerView 中显示 iAd。当用户滚动时,iAd 消失,因为 headerView 不再可见。我不确定这是否会阻止我的应用程序被接受。


正如我在回答您之前的问题(以及另一个作为重复问题关闭的问题)时所解释的那样:iAd appears in simulator but not on device

Apple will reject your application if an iAd is within a table cell. iAds are required to be in a static position on the page, and not in any kind of scroll view (this includes table views). This is because iAds pay by impression as well as by click, so having an iAd in a table view cell will cause it to be reloaded whenever it scrolls off and on screen again, which could be many times. This would seem like "click-fraud" or similar behaviour. Apple will not allow this.


  • iAds 除点击外还按展示次数付费
  • 在屏幕上滚动关闭/滚动时卸载/重新加载表格单元格。
  • 重新加载会产生新的请求。
  • 新请求将产生新印象(如果成功)。
  • 新的印象会产生收入。

除此之外,表格单元格中的 iAd 更容易被意外点击,因为它们可以随表格移动 - 它们的位置不固定。

Apple iAd 网络契约(Contract)的这一部分描述了欺诈行为:

Disallowed artificial enhancements include, but are not limited to, (a) encouraging user Clickthroughs on banners with offers of cash, prizes or anything else of value in exchange for services (collectively, “Inducements”), or (b) application design that encourages or is reasonably likely to lead to accidental or unintended Clickthroughs by the user (“Unintended Clickthroughs”).

我已经强调了适用于这种情况的条款 (b)。

我 99.999% 确定 Apple 会拒绝在表格 View 单元格中放置 iAd 的应用程序。

关于iphone - 如果我在 UITableView headerView 中放置 iAd,我的应用程序会被拒绝吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3719158/


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