objective-c - CoreBluetooth——在设备锁定时发现 BLE 外围设备

标签 objective-c background-process core-bluetooth

我注意到,当设备处于后台时与处于后台时相比,BLE 外围设备的发现行为似乎有所不同(在中央端) + 锁定


更具体地说——当我的应用程序(中央)转换到后台和主屏幕时,它会继续按预期发现外围设备,但是当我按下 sleep /唤醒按钮并因此锁定设备时,它停止发现我的外围设备。该应用程序没有崩溃或其他任何事情......事实上,当我解锁设备(返回主屏幕)时,它会恢复发现外围设备而无需将其带回前台。我也明白,BLE 在后台时触发频率较低,但就我而言,我在锁定状态下观察了一个多小时,它从未触发发现,但一旦我解锁它就会恢复正常。






尤其是观察结果(Brian Fudge)很有趣...

  • A scanning device that is locked does not report any iOS peripherals that are also locked.

  • On some devices, like iPhone 5 and 5S, you only need to press the home button on the peripheral for the scanner to succeed and peripherals to be reported.

  • On other devices, like iPad and iPod Touch, you have to press the home button and unlock the peripheral for the scanner to succeed and peripherals to be reported.

  • A non-iOS device, such as an rMBP, can scan iOS peripherals that are in the background and locked.

  • All iOS devices can scan hardware peripherals (such as a health tracker) while the iOS device is in the background and locked.


好的,我遇到了同样的问题,并且设法理解了原因。所以基本上当你在后台或设备锁定时,你的应用程序只能发现一次设备(你可以在前台使用标志 CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey 进行多次发现,但它在后台被忽略)

所以我的应用程序在后台时毫无问题地发现了任何 BLE 外围设备,但是一旦我锁定了我的设备,我就无法检测到它们。我发现外设的广播包太大了(发送了2次)。减少我的外围广播数据包似乎可以解决问题。锁定时,iPhone 似乎一次性收听发送的广告包。在前台或后台,它能够监听 2 次发送的数据包。


关于objective-c - CoreBluetooth——在设备锁定时发现 BLE 外围设备,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20937837/


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