objective-c - 为什么 NSApplicationDelegate 方法 openFiles : is being called multiple times on a multiple drag to the dock icon?

标签 objective-c xcode cocoa nsapplication nsapplication-delegate

我有一个 Mac OS X 应用程序,它实现了 -(void)application openFiles: 方法来响应应用程序图标上的拖动文件。

我在目标信息设置的文档类型部分有一个允许的文件类型列表,Finder 确实允许拖动,但是当 PDF 在拖动项目列表中时,我的委托(delegate)方法被调用两次:一次用于所有没有 PDF 的元素,一个单独用于 PDF。




我在我的一个应用程序中看到过这种行为(通常是在一次拖动一大堆文件时)。在我的变通方法中,我没有直接从 application:openFiles: 打开文件,而是将它们排队,并在稍等片刻后打开排队的文件。类似于以下内容:

- (void) application:(NSApplication*)sender openFiles:(NSArray*)filenames
    // I saw cases in which dragging a bunch of files onto the app
    // actually called application:openFiles several times, resulting
    // in more than one window, with the dragged files split amongst them.
    // This is lame.  So we queue them up and open them all at once later.
    [self queueFilesForOpening:filenames];

    [NSApp replyToOpenOrPrint:NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess];

- (void) queueFilesForOpening:(NSArray*)filenames
    [self.filesToOpen addObjectsFromArray:filenames];
    [self performSelector:@selector(openQueuedFiles) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.25];

- (void) openQueuedFiles
    if( self.filesToOpen.count == 0 ) return;

    [self makeNewWindowWithFiles:self.filesToOpen];

    [self.filesToOpen removeAllObjects];

关于objective-c - 为什么 NSApplicationDelegate 方法 openFiles : is being called multiple times on a multiple drag to the dock icon?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37623734/


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