objective-c - 将 C 数组放入 Objective-C 结构属性中的意外失败

标签 objective-c arrays properties ivar

我知道 Objective-C 不允许您使用 C 数组作为属性类型。在这种情况下,我得到了预期的编译器错误。

但是我对我在结构属性中看到的关于 C 数组的行为感到惊讶:

  • 没有编译错误或警告。
  • 地址本身的意外地址(gdb 的 info malloc 不知道它,不确定它是未初始化的内存还是什么。但我预计会发生崩溃或显然工作,尽管内存损坏).
  • 作业变为空操作。


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#ifndef sizeofA
    #define sizeofA(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))

@interface IncludeCArrayDirectly : NSObject // Doesn't even compile
// Uncomment below to see the compilation error for yourself.
//@property(nonatomic, assign) int8_t f[9]; // ERROR: Property cannot have array or function type 'int8_t [9]'

@interface IncludeCArrayInStruct : NSObject // Compiles (no warning) and runs but is amazingly broken.
@property(nonatomic, assign) int normalProperty;
@property(nonatomic, assign) struct { int f[9]; } p;
- (void*)normalPropertysAddress;

@interface IncludeCArrayInIvar : NSObject {  // Totally works.
    int normalIvar;
    int8_t f[9];

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
            IncludeCArrayInStruct *a = [IncludeCArrayInStruct new];

            // Notice a.p.f's address is off in 0x7fffxxxx-land:
            printf("&a = %p, &a.normalProperty = %p, a.p.f = %p\n",
                   a, [a normalPropertysAddress], a.p.f);

            printf("a.p.f[4] BEFORE %d\n", a.p.f[4]);
            a.p.f[4] = 42;
            printf("a.p.f[4] AFTER %d\n", a.p.f[4]);
            assert(a.p.f[4] == 0); // Surprise! Assertion passes. Assignment above is a no-op.

            // Dump all of a.p.f just to take a better look:
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeofA(a.p.f); i++) {
                printf("a.p.f[%d] == %d\n", i, a.p.f[i]);
            IncludeCArrayInIvar *b = [IncludeCArrayInIvar new];

            // All these addresses are about what you'd expect:
            printf("&b = %p, &b.normalIvar = %p, b.f = %p\n",
                   b, &b->normalIvar, b->f);

            printf("b->f[4] BEFORE %d\n", b->f[4]);
            b->f[4] = 42;
            printf("a->f[4] AFTER %d\n", b->f[4]);
            assert(b->f[4] == 42); // No surprise here, above assignment worked.

            // Dump all of b.f just to take a better look:
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeofA(b->f); i++) {
                printf("b->f[%d] == %d\n", i, b->f[i]);

    return 0;

@implementation IncludeCArrayDirectly

@implementation IncludeCArrayInStruct
- (void*)normalPropertysAddress {
    return &_normalProperty;

@implementation IncludeCArrayInIvar



struct 对象总是按值复制,而不是按引用复制。这意味着当您的 struct 通过访问器方法返回时,返回的对象是对象实例中对象的副本。我怀疑这来自 C,它在独立函数的场景中没有区别,它也共享返回类型:

struct sample
    int arr[4];

struct sample FunctionThatReturnsSample(void)
    static struct sample s = { { 0, 1, 2, 3 } };
    return s;

int main(void)
    FunctionThatReturnsSample().arr[3] = 4;

    printf("%d\n", FunctionThatReturnsSample().arr[3]);
    // still prints "3"

关于objective-c - 将 C 数组放入 Objective-C 结构属性中的意外失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17870676/


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