objective-c - AFHTTPSessionManager 未解除分配

标签 objective-c memory-management afnetworking-2


将此作为问题发布到 AFNetworking 存储库后,事实证明这实际上是我的使用问题。根据对我的问题的回复:

NSURLSession retains its delegate (i.e. AFURLSessionManager). Call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate.

所以,长话短说:如果您以下面描述的方式使用 AHTTPSessionManager,请确保调用 invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: 以确保 session 完成并释放它们的委托(delegate)


我有一个名为 GTAPIClient 的子类 AFHTTPSessionManager,我用它来连接到我的 REST API。我意识到文档状态可以用作单例,但在某些情况下我需要创建一个新实例。但是,似乎每当我这样做时,该对象就永远不会被释放。目前,GTAPIClient 在释放时除了 NSLog 本身外什么都不做。 这是一些演示行为的示例代码


@implementation GTAPIClient
- (void)dealloc
    NSLog(@"Dealloc: %@", self);    



#import "GTBaseEntityViewController.h"

#import "GTBaseEntity.h"

#import "GTAPIClient.h"

@interface GTBaseEntityViewController ()

@property (nonatomic, weak) GTAPIClient *client;
@property (nonatomic, weak) GTBaseEntity *weakEntity;


@implementation GTBaseEntityViewController

- (IBAction)makeClient:(id)sender {

    self.client = [[GTAPIClient alloc] init];
    NSLog(@"I just made an API client %@", self.client);

    //Another random object assigned to a similar property, just to see what happens.
    self.weakEntity = [[GTBaseEntity alloc] init];
    NSLog(@"I just made a random object %@", self.weakEntity);


- (IBAction)checkClient:(id)sender {

    NSLog(@"Client: %@", self.client);
    NSLog(@"Entity: %@", self.weakEntity);




启动 makeClient:

//It seems to me that both NSLog's should return (null) as they are assigning to a weak property
2014-06-22 16:41:39.143 I just made an API client <GTAPIClient: 0x10b913680, baseURL: (null), session: <__NSCFURLSession: 0x10b915010>, operationQueue: <NSOperationQueue: 0x10b9148a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x10b9148a0'}>
2014-06-22 16:41:39.144 I just made a random object (null)

触发 checkClient

//Again, both NSLog's should return null for the two objects. However...client is still around. Also, it's overridden dealloc method never fired.

2014-06-22 16:44:43.722  Client: <GTAPIClient: 0x10b913680, baseURL: (null), session: <__NSCFURLSession: 0x10b915010>, operationQueue: <NSOperationQueue: 0x10b9148a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x10b9148a0'}>
2014-06-22 16:44:43.723 Entity: (null)

作为引用,我使用的是 AFNetworking v2.3.1。编译器警告我,将保留的对象分配给 weak 属性将在分配后释放 - 这是正确的,并且对我的随机对象具有预期的功能。应用程序中没有其他任何事情发生。没有其他 View Controller ,GTAPIClient 上没有其他方法,所有单例功能都被删除。对我在这里做错了什么有什么想法吗?


在此处发布 Mattt Thompson 的回复以帮助 future 的读者:

NSURLSession retains its delegate (i.e. AFURLSessionManager). Call invalidateSessionCancelingTasks: to ensure that sessions finalize and release their delegate.

如果像许多应用一样,您的应用对整个应用使用单例 session 管理器和一个 URL session ,那么您无需担心这一点。

关于objective-c - AFHTTPSessionManager 未解除分配,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24355635/


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