objective-c - 在 block 内访问 C 数组(可变数组计数)Objective-C

标签 objective-c struct core-graphics objective-c-blocks arrays

block 很好,但是编写 C 数组呢?


CGPoint points[10];
[myArray forEachElementWithBlock:^(int idx) {
    points[idx] = CGPointMake(10, 20); // error here
    // Cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside block


__block struct {
    CGPoint points[100];
} pointStruct;

[myArray forEachElementWithBlock:^(int idx) {
    pointStruct.points[idx] = CGPointMake(10, 20);

这可行,但有一点限制,我必须动态创建 c 数组:

int count = [str countOccurencesOfString:@";"];
__block struct {
    CGPoint points[count]; // error here
    // Fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supported
} pointStruct;

如何在 block 中访问我的CGPoint数组?

有没有可能,或者我是否必须重写 block 方法才能获得完整的功能?



CGPoint points[10], *pointsPtr;
pointsPtr = points;
[myArray forEachElementWithBlock:^(int idx) {
    pointsPtr[idx] = CGPointMake(10, 20);

关于objective-c - 在 block 内访问 C 数组(可变数组计数)Objective-C,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5455592/


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