类似于 MATLAB 中的 Python 交互式选择工具

标签 python qt matlab matplotlib pyqt

我正在尝试从 MATLAB 切换到 python,但现在我遇到了一些我自己无法解决的问题。我在用 Qt 设计器设计的 pyqt 中做了一个 GUI(分析一些神经元),所有的可视化都是在 Qt 的 matplotlib 小部件中完成的(它包含在 pythonxy 中)但现在我需要一些工具,比如在 MATLAB 中进行交互式选择(不仅在图像但也在绘图上)与集成在 Qt GUI 中的 matplotlib 一起工作:

  • 内联
  • 实现
  • 椭圆
  • 随心所欲
  • imrect(在 pyqt GUI 中不起作用 imrect for python );
  • ginput(我在 matplotlib 库的 matplotlib\blocking_input.py 文件中评论了命令 self.fig.show() 后,我可以直接在 myMatplotlibWidget.figure.ginput() 上调用 ginput)。

我找到了这个 http://matplotlib.org/users/event_handling.html请不要告诉我必须自己用这个 python 模块实现上述工具 xD

我找到了这个 http://www.pyqtgraph.org/但它没有与 matplotlib 集成,最终渲染效果不如 matplotlib。

pyqt有没有好的交互选择工具?在谷歌上,我找不到任何有用的东西,但我不敢相信没有好的 python 交互工具......如果是这样,我会切换回 MATLAB。



OK,我已经自己实现了imline for matplotlib in the Qt GUI...现在,imrect等实现起来很简单。如果有人需要 imrect 等,我会更新代码。下面是我的 imline 代码:

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

import time
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt

class Imline(QObject):
    Plot interactive line

    def __init__(self, plt, image = None, scale = 1, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize imline
        super(Imline, self).__init__(None)

        # set plot        
        self.__plt = plt
        self.scale = scale        

        # initialize start and end points        
        self.startX = None
        self.startY = None
        self.endX = None
        self.endY = None  

        # initialize line2d        
        self.__line2d = None
        self.mask = None

        # store information to generate mask
        if(image is not None):        
            height, width = image.shape

            height = None
            width = None            

        self.__width = width
        self.__height = height

        # set signals and slots        
        self.__c1 = self.__plt.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.__mousePressEvent)
        self.__c2 = self.__plt.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.__mouseMoveEvent)
        self.__c3 = self.__plt.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.__mouseReleaseEvent)       

        self.imlineEventFinished = SIGNAL('imlineEventFinished')        

    def __mousePressEvent(self, event):
        Starting point

        # get xy data        
        xdata = event.xdata
        ydata = event.ydata

        # check if mouse is outside the figure        
        if((xdata is None) | (ydata is None) | (self.startX is not None) | (self.startY is not None) | (self.endX is not None) | (self.endY is not None)):

        # start point        
        self.startX = xdata
        self.startY = ydata

    def __mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        Draw interactive line

        # get xy data        
        xdata = event.xdata
        ydata = event.ydata

        # check if mouse is outside the figure        
        if((xdata is None) | (ydata is None) | (self.startX is None) | (self.startY is None) | (self.endX is not None) | (self.endY is not None)):

        # remove line        
        if(self.__line2d is not None):

        # set x, t
        x = [self.startX, xdata]
        y = [self.startY, ydata]        

        # plot line
        xlim = self.__plt.axes.get_xlim()
        ylim = self.__plt.axes.get_ylim()
        self.__line2d = self.__plt.axes.plot(x, y, color = [1, 0, 0])

        # update plot        

    def __mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
        End point

        # get xy data        
        xdata = event.xdata
        ydata = event.ydata

        # check if mouse is outside the figure        
        if((xdata is None) | (ydata is None) | (self.endX is not None) | (self.endY is not None)):

        # remove line        
        if(self.__line2d is not None):

        self.endX = xdata
        self.endY = ydata   

        P = np.polyfit([self.startX, self.endX], [self.startY, self.endY],1 )
        self.__m = P[0]
        self.__q = P[1]

        # update plot        

        # disconnect the vents        

        # emit SIGNAL        

    def createMask(self):
        Create mask from painted line

        # check height width        
        if((self.__height is None) | (self.__width is None)):
            return None

        # initialize mask        
        mask = np.zeros((self.__height, self.__width))        

        # get m q        
        m = self.__m
        q = self.__q        

        print m, q

        # get points        
        startX = np.int(self.startX)   
        startY = np.int(self.startY) 
        endX = np.int(self.endX) 
        endY = np.int(self.endY)

        # ensure startX < endX
        tempStartX = startX
        if(startX > endX):
            startX = endX
            endX = tempStartX

        # ensure startY < endY
        tempStartY = startY
        if(startY > endY):
            startY = endY
            endY = tempStartY

        # save points
        self.startX = startX
        self.endX = endX
        self.startY = startY
        self.endY = endY

        # intialize data        
        xData = np.arange(startX, endX)
        yData = np.arange(startY, endY)

        # scan on x        
        for x in xData:
            row = round(m*x + q)
            if(row < startY):
                row = startY
            if(row > endY):
                row = endY
            mask[row, x] = 1

        # scan on y
        for y in yData:
            col = round((y - q) / m)
            if(col < startX):
                col = startX
            if(col > endX):
                col = endX
            mask[y, col] = 1

        # get boolean mask        
        mask = mask == 1        

        # return boolean mask
        return mask

关于类似于 MATLAB 中的 Python 交互式选择工具,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15058621/


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