python - SciPy.sparse 迭代求解器 : No sparse right hand side support?

标签 python numpy scipy sparse-matrix

似乎 scipy.sparse.linalg 的迭代求解器不支持 scipy.sparse 的稀疏矩阵数据类型作为方程系统的右侧(而直接求解器会)。考虑以下简短示例:

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg

# Construct a random sparse but regular matrix A
A = scipy.sparse.rand(50,50,density=0.1)+scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(np.diag(np.random.rand(50,)))

# Construct a random sparse right hand side
b = scipy.sparse.rand(50,1,density=0.1).tocsc()

ud = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A,b) # Works as indented
ui = scipy.sparse.linalg.bicg(A,b)[0] # ValueError: A and b have incompatible dimensions




(50, 50)
(50, 1)

将 b 定义为密集的 ndarray 但是有效

b = scipy.sparse.rand(50,1,density=0.1).todense() 

如果不支持稀疏右侧(例如在 FEM 中出现),我会感到非常惊讶,尽管文档要求 b{array> 类型, 矩阵}.




LinearOperator 的思想简单而强大:它是一个虚拟的线性运算符, 或者实际上是两个:

Aop = Linop( A )  # see below -> Aop.matvec(x) -> Aop.rmatvec(y)
x = solver( Aop, b ... )  # uses matvec and rmatvec, not

这里 matvecrmatvec 可以做任何事情(在合理范围内)。 例如,他们可以线性化可怕的非线性方程 靠近任何类型的参数 xy。 不幸的是,aslinearoperator 不适用于稀疏 x。 该文档建议了两种实现 LinearOperator 的方法,但是

Whenever something can be done in two ways, someone will be confused.

无论如何,下面的 Linop 与稀疏 x 一起工作——带有补丁的, 在 下. 其他稀疏迭代求解器?不知道。

最小化 |A x - b|
并保留 |x| L1 或 L2 范数中的小,也就是正则化

那你一定要看看 scikit-learn . 它针对不同的角落
速度 - 准确性 - 问题 - 人员 (SAPP) 空间 比 scipy.sparse.isolve 。 我发现 scikit-learn 可靠、令人愉快、文档齐全, 但还没有在实际问题上比较两者。


""" Linop( A ): .matvec .rmatvec( sparse vecs )

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator  # $scipy/sparse/linalg/

__version__ = "2015-12-24 dec  denis + safe_sparse_dot"

class Linop( LinearOperator ):  # subclass ?
    """ Aop = Linop( scipy sparse matrix A )
        ->  Aop.matvec(x) = A dot x, x ndarray or sparse
            Aop.rmatvec(x) = A.T dot x
        for scipy.sparse.linalg solvers like lsmr

    def __init__( self, A ):
        self.A = A

    def matvec( self, x ):
        return safe_sparse_dot( self.A, x )

    def rmatvec( self, y ):
        return safe_sparse_dot( self.A.T, y )

        # LinearOperator subclass should implement at least one of _matvec and _matmat.
    def _matvec( self, b ):
        raise NotImplementedError( "_matvec" )

        # not _matvec only:
        # $scipy/sparse/linalg/
        # def matvec(self, x):
        #     x = np.asanyarray(x)  <-- kills sparse x, should raise an error

    def _rmatvec( self, b ):
        raise NotImplementedError( "_rmatvec" )

    def shape( self ):
        return self.A.shape

def safe_sparse_dot( a, b ):
    """ -> a * b or, b) """
        # from sklearn
    if sparse.issparse(a) or sparse.issparse(b):
            return a * b
        except ValueError:  # dimension mismatch: print shapes
            print "error: %s %s  *  %s %s" % (
                    type(a).__name__, a.shape,
                    type(b).__name__, b.shape )
        return, b)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    from lsmr import lsmr  # patched $scipy/sparse/linalg/

    np.set_printoptions( threshold=20, edgeitems=10, linewidth=100, suppress=True,
        formatter = dict( float = lambda x: "%.2g" % x ))

        # test sparse.rand A m n, x n 1, b m 1
    m = 10
    n = 100
    density = .1
    bdense = 0
    seed = 0
    damp = 1

        # to change these params in sh or ipython, run  a=1  b=None  c=[3] ...
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
        exec( arg )


    print "\n", 80 * "-"
    paramstr = "%s  m %d  n %d  density %g  bdense %d  seed %d  damp %g " % (
            __file__, m, n, density, bdense, seed, damp )
    print paramstr

    A = sparse.rand( m, n, density, format="csr", random_state=seed )
    x = sparse.rand( n, 1, density, format="csr", random_state=seed )
    b = sparse.rand( m, 1, density, format="csr", random_state=seed )
    if bdense:
        b = b.toarray().squeeze()  # matrix (m,1) -> ndarray (m,)

    Aop = Linop( A )
        # aslinearoperator( A ): not for sparse x

        # check Aop matvec rmatvec --
    Ax = Aop.matvec( x )
    bA = Aop.rmatvec( b )
    for nm in "A Aop x b Ax bA ".split():
        x = eval(nm)
        print "%s: %s %s " % (nm, x.shape, type(x))
    print ""

    print "lsmr( Aop, b )"

    xetc = lsmr( Aop, b, damp=damp, show=1 )

    x, istop, niter, normr, normar, norma, conda, normx = xetc
    x = getattr( x, "A", x ) .squeeze()
    print "x:", x.shape, x

    #     print "lsmr( A, b ) -- Valueerror in $scipy/sparse/linalg/"
    #     xetc = lsmr( A, b, damp=damp, show=1 )  # Valueerror

    safe_sparse_dot( A, b.T )  # ValueError: dimension mismatch

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