python - 删除 Pandas 数据框列中的多个子字符串

标签 python regex pandas

我在 pandas 数据框中有一列成分。我需要删除除成分名称以外的所有内容(例如:1/3 杯腰果 > 腰果)。


    recipe_name                                ingredient
0   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    ⅓ cup cashews
1   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    4 dates
2   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    1 tablespoon almond butter
3   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    3 tablespoons coconut milk
4   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


    recipe_name                                ingredient
0   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    cashews
1   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    dates
2   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    almond butter
3   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    coconut milk
4   Truvani Chocolate Turmeric Caramel Cups    vanilla extract 


remove_list ={'\d+': '', 'ounces': '', 'ounce': '', 'tablespoons': '', 'tablespoon': '', 'teaspoons': '', 'teaspoon': '', 'cup': '', 'cups': ''}
column = df['ingredient']
column.apply(lambda column: [remove_list[y] if y in remove_list else y for y in column])



df['ingredients'] = re.sub(r'|'.join(map(re.escape, remove_list)), '', df['ingredients'])

但这只会给出一个错误提示“TypeError: expected string or buffer.”

我是 Python 的新手,所以我认为使用正则表达式是可行的,我只是不确定该怎么做。



l = ['\d+', '[^\x00-\x80]+', 'ounces', 'ounce', 'tablespoons', 
     'tablespoon', 'teaspoons', 'teaspoon', 'cup', 'cups']


df.ingredient.str.replace('|'.join(l), '', regex=True).str.strip()
# Safer to only replace stand-alone words. strip not needed
#df.ingredient.str.replace('|'.join([x + '\s' for x in l]), '', regex=True)


0            cashews
1              dates
2      almond butter
3       coconut milk
4    vanilla extract
Name: ingredient, dtype: object

我将 '[^\x00-\x80]+' 添加到列表中以删除那些小数字符,并且 .str.strip 删除了任何多余的或前导的字符替换后的空格。

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