python - Django:出于测试目的阻止互联网连接

标签 python django unit-testing testing

我想确保我的单元测试不会尝试连接到 Internet,有没有办法在它们连接时引发异常?

有一个类似的问题Python: block network connections for testing purposes? ,但是那里提出的解决方案会阻止所有套接字连接,包括数据库连接,这对于 Django 测试来说是 Not Acceptable 。



if 'test' in sys.argv:

    # Block Internet access during tests
    import urllib2
    import httplib
    import httplib2

    def _raise_http_error(*args, **kwargs):
        raise urllib2.URLError("I told you not to use the Internet!")

    class AngryHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):
        handler_order = 1

        def default_open(self, req):

    opener = urllib2.build_opener(AngryHandler)

    _HTTPHandler = urllib2.HTTPHandler
    urllib2.HTTPHandler = AngryHandler

    httplib.HTTPConnection.connect = lambda self: None
    httplib.HTTPSConnection.connect = lambda self: None
    httplib.HTTPConnection.request = _raise_http_error
    httplib.HTTPSConnection.request = _raise_http_error
    httplib2.Http.request = _raise_http_error

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