python - 如何高效去除字符串中连续重复的单词或短语

标签 python python-3.x string





  1. 分组()
  2. 重新
String = "what type of people were most likely to be able to be able to be able to be able to be 1.35 ?"
s1 = " ".join([k for k,v in groupby(String.replace("&lt;/Sent&gt;","").split())])
s2 = re.sub(r'\b(.+)(\s+\1\b)+', r'\1', String)



什么类型的人最有可能达到 1.35?


  1. Is there a way to remove duplicate and continuous words/phrases in a string? - 不起作用
  2. How can I remove duplicate words in a string with Python? - 部分工作,但也需要针对大字符串的最佳方式




input = "what type of people were most likely to be able to be able to be able to be able to be 1.35 ?"
def combine_words(input,length):
    combined_inputs = []
    if len(splitted_input)>1:
        for i in range(len(input)-1):
            combined_inputs.append(input[i]+" "+last_word_of(splitted_input[i+1],length)) #add the last word of the right-neighbour (overlapping) sequence (before it has expanded), which is the next word in the original sentence
    return combined_inputs, length+1

def remove_duplicates(input, length):
    bool_broke=False #this means we didn't find any duplicates here
    for i in range(len(input) - length):
        if input[i]==input[i + length]: #found a duplicate piece of sentence!
            for j in range(0,length): #remove the overlapping sequences in reverse order
                del input[i + length - j]
            bool_broke = True
            break #break the for loop as the loop length does not matches the length of splitted_input anymore as we removed elements
    if bool_broke:
        return remove_duplicates(input, length) #if we found a duplicate, look for another duplicate of the same length
    return input

def last_word_of(input,length):
    splitted = input.split(" ")
    if len(splitted)==0:
        return input
        return splitted[length-1]

#make a list of strings which represent every sequence of word_length adjacent words
splitted_input = input.split(" ")
word_length = 1
splitted_input,word_length = combine_words(splitted_input,word_length)

intermediate_output = False

while len(splitted_input)>1:
    splitted_input = remove_duplicates(splitted_input,word_length) #look whether two sequences of length n (with distance n apart) are equal. If so, remove the n overlapping sequences
    splitted_input, word_length = combine_words(splitted_input,word_length) #make even bigger sequences
    if intermediate_output:
output = splitted_input[0] #In the end you have a list of length 1, with all possible lengths of repetitive words removed


what type of people were most likely to be able to be 1.35 ?

即使它不是所需的输出,我也看不出它如何识别删除之前 3 个位置出现的“to be”(长度为 2)。

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