c++ - 重复使用 move 的容器?

标签 c++ c++11 move-semantics

重复使用 move 的容器的正确方法是什么?

std::vector<int> container;
auto container2 = std::move(container);

// ver1: Do nothing
//container2.clear(); // ver2: "Reset"
container = std::vector<int>() // ver3: Reinitialize

assert(container.size() == 1 && container.front() == 2);

根据我在 C++0x 标准草案中读到的内容; ver3 似乎是正确的方法,因为 move 后的对象位于

"Unless otherwise specified, such moved-from objects shall be placed in a valid but unspecified state."





来自规范“有效但未指定状态”的第 17.3.26 节:

an object state that is not specified except that the object’s invariants are met and operations on the object behave as specified for its type [ Example: If an object x of type std::vector<int> is in a valid but unspecified state, x.empty() can be called unconditionally, and x.front() can be called only if x.empty() returns false. —end example ]


clear ,例如,没有先决条件。它会将对象返回到已知状态。因此,只需将其清除并正常使用即可。

关于c++ - 重复使用 move 的容器?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9168823/


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