python - 如何将 Pandas 数据框中的字符串值替换为整数?

标签 python pandas dataframe cosine-similarity

我有一个包含多个字符串值的 Pandas DataFrame。 我想用整数值替换它们以计算相似度。 例如:

    CNPJ_Store_Code      region  total_facings
1    93209765046613   Geo RS/SC       1.471690
16   93209765046290   Geo RS/SC       1.385636
19   93209765044084  Geo PR/SPI       0.217054
21   93209765044831   Geo RS/SC       0.804633
23   93209765045218  Geo PR/SPI       0.708165

我想替换 region == 'Geo RS/SC' ==> 1, region == 'Geo PR/SPI'==> 2 等

Clarification: I want to do the replacement automatically, without creating a dictionary first, since I don't know in advance what my regions will be. Any ideas? I am trying to use DictVectorizer, with no success.




您可以使用 .apply() 函数和字典将所有已知的字符串值映射到它们对应的整数值:

region_dictionary = {'Geo RS/SC': 1, 'Geo PR/SPI' : 2, .... }
stores['region'] = stores['region'].apply(lambda x: region_dictionary[x])

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