python - 带有 isin 的 Pandas 函数

标签 python pandas


aa        bb  cc
[a, x, y] a   1
[b, d, z] b   2
[c, e, f] s   3
np.nan    d   4


aa        bb  cc dd
[a, x, y] a   1  True
[b, d, z] b   2  True
[c, e, f] s   3  False
np.nan    d   4  False


def some_function(row):
    if row['bb].isin(row['aa'])==True:
        return True
    return False
df['dd'] = df.apply(lambda row: some_function(row), axis=1)

但这会抛出错误 ("'str' object has no attribute 'isin'", 'occurred at index 0')

我怀疑,因为在检查 isin 时我遗漏了一些东西。

基本上,我需要检查 bb 的 str 值是否在列 aa 中,每个单元格中都有一个列表。



您需要参数 in 来检查列表中的成员资格:

df['dd'] = df.apply(lambda x: in x.aa, axis=1)
print (df)
          aa bb  cc     dd
0  [a, x, y]  a   1   True
1  [b, d, z]  b   2   True
2  [c, e, f]  s   3  False


df['dd'] = df.apply(lambda x: ( in x.aa) and ( == 1), axis=1) 
print (df)
          aa bb  cc     dd
0  [a, x, y]  a   1   True
1  [b, d, z]  b   2  False
2  [c, e, f]  s   3  False


df['dd'] = df.apply(lambda x: in x.aa, axis=1) & (df['cc'] == 1)
print (df)
          aa bb  cc     dd
0  [a, x, y]  a   1   True
1  [b, d, z]  b   2  False
2  [c, e, f]  s   3  False


df['dd'] = df.apply(lambda x: in x.aa if type(x.aa) == list else False, axis=1) 
print (df)
          aa bb  cc     dd
0  [a, x, y]  a   1   True
1  [b, d, z]  b   2   True
2  [c, e, f]  s   3  False
4        NaN  d   4  False

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