python - 将属性添加到 Python 字典中的现有对象

标签 python dictionary attributes


key = 'key1'
dictObj = {}
dictObj[key] = "hello world!"  

#attempt 236 (j/k)
dictObj[key]["property2"] = "value2" ###'str' object does not support item assignment

#another attempt
setattr(dictObj[key], 'property2', 'value2') ###'dict' object has no attribute 'property2'

#successful attempt that I did not like
dictObj[key] = {'property':'value', 'property2':''} ###instantiating the dict object with all properties defined seemed wrong...
#this did allow for the following to work
dictObj[key]["property2"] = "value2"

我尝试了各种组合(包括 setattr 等),但运气不佳。




key = 'key1'
dictObj = {}
dictObj[key] = {} #here is where the mistake was

dictObj[key]["property2"] = "value2"

问题似乎是我将带有键“key1”的对象实例化为字符串而不是字典。因此,我无法将键添加到字符串。这是我在尝试解决这个简单问题时遇到的众多问题之一。当我稍微改变代码时,我也遇到了 KeyErrors。

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