python - 这是内存泄漏吗?

标签 python memory-leaks garbage-collection

我正在使用 gc 模块来调试泄漏。

这是一个 gui 程序,我已将此功能连接到一个按钮。

我已将 set debug more 设置为 gc.SAVE_ALL

> gc.collect()
> print gc.garbage


[(<type '_ctypes.Array'>,), {'__module__': 'ctypes._endian', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, '_length_': 3, '_type_': <class 'ctypes.c_int'>, '__doc__': None}, <class 'ctypes._endian.c_int_Array_3'>, <attribute '__dict__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, <attribute '__weakref__' of 'c_int_Array_3' objects>, (<class 'ctypes._endian.c_int_Array_3'>, <type '_ctypes.Array'>, <type '_ctypes._CData'>, <type 'object'>), (<type '_ctypes.CFuncPtr'>,), {'__module__': 'ctypes', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, '_flags_': 1, '__doc__': None, '_restype_': <class 'ctypes.c_int'>}, <class 'ctypes._FuncPtr'>, <attribute '__dict__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, <attribute '__weakref__' of '_FuncPtr' objects>, (<class 'ctypes._FuncPtr'>, <type '_ctypes.CFuncPtr'>, <type '_ctypes._CData'>, <type 'object'>), {}, <cell at 0x10a24b0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10a2478: dict object at 0x11a4440>, <cell at 0x7f1703949f68: function object at 0x10ec7d0>, <cell at 0x10e2f30: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2d70: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2ef8: str object at 0x7f1703dd5e10>, <cell at 0x10e2de0: dict object at 0x118aaa0>, {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'couchdb-python 0.6'}, (<cell at 0x10e2f30: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10a24b0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10e2de0: dict object at 0x118aaa0>, <cell at 0x10a2478: dict object at 0x11a4440>, <cell at 0x10e2d70: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2ef8: str object at 0x7f1703dd5e10>, <cell at 0x7f1703949f68: function object at 0x10ec7d0>), <function _make_request at 0x10ec7d0>, (1,), {}, <cell at 0x10e2bb0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10e2e88: dict object at 0x119f360>, <cell at 0x10f0130: function object at 0x10ec578>, <cell at 0x10f01d8: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f01a0: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f00f8: str object at 0x7f170b05d810>, <cell at 0x10f00c0: dict object at 0x11969a0>, {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'couchdb-python 0.6'}, (<cell at 0x10f01d8: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10e2bb0: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10f00c0: dict object at 0x11969a0>, <cell at 0x10e2e88: dict object at 0x119f360>, <cell at 0x10f01a0: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f00f8: str object at 0x7f170b05d810>, <cell at 0x10f0130: function object at 0x10ec578>), <function _make_request at 0x10ec578>, (1,), {}, <cell at 0x10f0440: Resource object at 0x10e6a50>, <cell at 0x10f02b8: dict object at 0x11b2d70>, <cell at 0x10f0360: function object at 0x10ec6e0>, <cell at 0x10f0280: NoneType object at 0x826880>, <cell at 0x10f02f0: str object at 0x10ca228>, <cell at 0x10f0408: str object at 0x7f170b05d810>, <cell at 0x10f0050: dict object at 0x11b6370>, {'Accept': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'couchdb-python 0.6'}, (<cell at 0x10f0280: NoneType object at 0x826880>]

gc.garbage 列表有很多项。这是否意味着 gc.garbage 中的对象正在泄漏或已被收集或将被收集?


来自 the docs :


A list of objects which the collector found to be unreachable but could not be freed (uncollectable objects).


Objects that have del() methods and are part of a reference cycle cause the entire reference cycle to be uncollectable, including objects not necessarily in the cycle but reachable only from it. Python doesn’t collect such cycles automatically because, in general, it isn’t possible for Python to guess a safe order in which to run the del() methods. If you know a safe order, you can force the issue by examining the garbage list, and explicitly breaking cycles due to your objects within the list. Note that these objects are kept alive even so by virtue of being in the garbage list, so they should be removed from garbage too. For example, after breaking cycles, do del gc.garbage[:] to empty the list. It’s generally better to avoid the issue by not creating cycles containing objects with del() methods, and garbage can be examined in that case to verify that no such cycles are being created.

现在设置了 DEBUG_SAVEALL 标志会导致所有 垃圾泄漏。来自同一来源:


When set, all unreachable objects found will be appended to garbage rather than being freed. This can be useful for debugging a leaking program.


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