ios - 什么级别的内存使用会触发 iOS 的内存警告?

标签 ios swift memory

我的应用可能会消耗数十 MB 的内存,在极少数情况下会达到 100 MB。我是否需要担心内存警告并实现 didReceiveMemoryWarning()?我需要多少时间来释放内存? (我需要将内存中的数据持久化到硬盘中。)

假设我以 iPhone 5 之后的设备为目标。


首先,这里是来自 Apple docs 的方法 didReceiveMemoryWarning讨论 .


Your app never calls this method directly. Instead, this method is called when the system determines that the amount of available memory is low. You can override this method to release any additional memory used by your view controller. If you do, your implementation of this method must call the super implementation at some point.

据此reddit线程,即使你处理了这个事件,你的应用程序仍然可以被终止以给正在运行的应用程序空间。此外,通常会调用设备上所有应用的 didReceiveMemoryWarning,而不仅仅是您的。


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