python - 在不允许 str.split() 的情况下反转字符串的词序

标签 python string

执行此操作的 pythonic 方法是什么?

从这个:'This is a string to try'到这个:'try to string a is This'


for w in 'This is a string to try'.split(' ')[::-1]:
    print w,

但是 str.split() 是不允许的。然后我想出了这个:

def reverse_w(txt):
    tmp = []
    while (txt.find(' ') >= 0):
        tmp.append(txt[:txt.find(' ')])
        txt = txt[txt.find(' ')+1:]
    if (txt.find(' ') == -1):
   return tmp[::-1]


def reverse(sentence):
sentence = 'This is a string to try'
    answer = ''
    temp = ''
    for char in sentence:
        if char != ' ':
            temp += char
            answer = temp + ' ' + answer
            temp = ''
    answer = temp + ' ' + answer
    return answer.rstrip(' ')

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