java - Java中为一个Integer对象分配多少内存?如何找出任何自定义对象的这个值?

标签 java performance memory jvm memory-management


这个值可以不用实验计算出来吗?这种情况下的规则是什么?这些规则是否在某处严格指定,或者它们可能因 jvm 而异?


它可能因 JVM 而异。

您可能会喜欢 this blog post来自 Oracle 工程师:

In the case of a Java Integer on a 32-bit Hotspot JVM, the 32-bit payload (a Integer.value field) is accompanied by a 96 additional bits, a mark, a klass, and a word of alignment padding, for a total of 128 bits. Moreover, if there are (say) six references to this integer in the world (threads plus heap), those references also occupy 192 bits, for a total of 320 bits. On a 64-bit machine, everything is twice as big, at least at present: 256 bits in the object (which now includes 96 bits of padding), and 384 bits elsewhere. By contrast, six copies of an unboxed primitive integer occupy 192 bits

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